The Best Remedies For Sunburn

When the skin is affected by excessive sun exposure, it is important to treat it immediately, as burns can have negative effects on the health and appearance of the skin.
The best remedies for sunburn

Our skin is exposed to the sun every day. But if the skin is exposed to the sun for too long, sunburn will occur. They form when ultraviolet rays penetrate the skin and destroy certain tissues, leaving behind a reddish, unsightly and painful skin. 

Although there are many products on the market to prevent sunburn, when we have already burned, it is best to apply a natural remedy to solve the problem. In the next article we will show you what are the best remedies for sunburn.

Stay in the shade

If you suffer from sunburn, it is best to stay in the shade, as sun exposure will make the situation worse. If you leave the house, wear clothes that cover the burns and, if possible, protect your face with a cream and a hat.

Cold water

Cold shower for sunburn

If your skin is affected by sunburn, one of the first things you need to do is take a cold shower. If possible, apply cold compresses on the affected areas for a few minutes. Above all, it is very important to drink enough water to prevent dehydration, because after sun exposure, the body loses water and essential salts.

Cold milk compresses on sunburn

Milk is an excellent remedy to relieve sunburn. Lactic acid and essential fatty acids in the composition of milk soothe burnt skin.

How do I use milk to treat sunburn?

Soak a clean, soft cloth in a considerable amount of whole milk. Gently massage the affected area and leave the milk to act for 20 minutes, then rinse with plenty of cold water.

Chamomile tea

Chamomile tea for sunburn

Chamomile is a plant with many medicinal properties, being excellent for relieving pain caused by sunburn.

How do I use chamomile?

Make a chamomile tea and let it cool. Put it in the fridge or add a few ice cubes to cool faster. After it has cooled, take a larger piece of cotton wool or a towel and apply the tea to the affected area.

Aloe Vera

Aloe vera for sunburn

Aloe vera is one of the most used remedies against sunburn. This plant not only alleviates the pain caused by the burn, but also regenerates the tissues, helping you to recover faster.

How do I use aloe vera?

Squeeze some gel from an aloe vera plant and apply it directly on the sunburned area. It is also recommended for internal use; make an aloe vera smoothie and water or juice.


Oatmeal for sunburn

Oatmeal moisturizes sunburned skin, reducing the damage caused by excessive exposure to it.

How do I use oatmeal?

Mix some oatmeal with enough water to form a paste. Gently massage the paste over the affected area and leave it to act for a few minutes, then rinse with cold water.

Apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar for sunburn

Apple cider vinegar is one of the best remedies to treat sunburn. It relieves pain and prevents blisters and exfoliation of the skin.

How do I use apple cider vinegar?

Do not apply apple cider vinegar directly to the skin, as acetic acid can cause adverse reactions. Dilute the vinegar in an equal amount of water.

You can apply compresses with diluted vinegar on the affected area, leaving it to act for 15 minutes. After 15 minutes, soak the cloth in the prepared solution again.

Another option is the baths with apple cider vinegar. Add two cups of vinegar to the bath water.


The best treatment for sunburn is to prevent it. It is very important to protect your skin from the harmful rays of the sun with the help of a sunscreen, to drink enough water, to keep your skin hydrated, to adopt a healthy diet and to use daily products for cleansing and exfoliating the skin.

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