Researchers Discover Physical Source Of Depression

Have you ever thought that susceptibility to depression is determined by internal factors? According to a recent study, the cause of depression could be certain brain connections. These connections are the physical source of depression.
Researchers have discovered the physical source of depression

It seems that a recent study was able to identify the physical source of depression. This remarkable discovery could give rise to new theories that will change the way mental illness is perceived and treated. Basically, it will be easier for us to understand the physical causes of depression.

The University of Warwick (UK) and the University of Fudan (China) have shown that depression affects the lateral orbitofrontal cortex.

This part of the brain is activated when we are “punished” or do not receive “rewards”. Thus, researchers suspect that depression may be related to the feeling that we are not rewarded.

An important study in the fight against depression

By knowing the physical source of depression, we will be able to treat this disease properly

Prof. Feng, the author of the study, stated that:

The results of the study

The physical source of depression is in the brain

The researchers drew some interesting conclusions after scanning the brains of 909 subjects in China using high-precision MRIs. This method allowed them to see the activity of the connections between the different parts of the human brain affected by depression, including between the median and lateral orbitofrontal cortex.

The lateral orbitofrontal cortex, associated with a lack of rewards, showed increased connectivity in subjects with depression. Discovering how this disease affects the connectivity of certain components of the brain will make it easier to find more effective treatments.

The physical source of depression

According to the study above, the lateral orbitofrontal cortex is activated in people who are severely punished or do not receive the desired rewards. For this reason, experts suspect that depression may be associated with these perceptions.

Their discovery could change the way depression is perceived and treated. At the same time, it is an important step to better understand the physical source of depression.

Factors influencing depression

An effective treatment must also target the physical source of depression

Depression does not have a single cause. In addition, some people are more prone to this disease than others. Scientists have tried to identify a number of factors that explain such predispositions.

Hereditary and biochemical factors

  • Genetic inheritance: Your risk of depression is higher if it occurs frequently in your family.
  • Biochemical factors: Numerous studies have shown that the biochemical structure of the brain plays a very important role in depression. Patients with severe depression tend to have a certain imbalance in the level of chemicals called neurotransmitters.
  • Also, sleep habits are altered in people with depression.
  • Last but not least, certain medications can intensify or relieve the symptoms of depression, and various hormones alter mental states.

Environmental factors

  • And situations like the death of a family member or close friend can cause depression. Chronic illnesses, interpersonal and financial problems, divorce and more are also possible causes of this disease.
  • All the factors listed in the previous paragraph can trigger depressive episodes. If these episodes last a long time, they can turn into chronic depression.
  • People with seasonal affective disorder may suffer from depression in the winter, when the days are shorter.
  • Reducing the number of hours of light may alter the balance of certain chemicals in the brain, triggering depression in some people.
  • Personality is also an important factor. Individuals with negative mental images, low self-esteem, the feeling that they cannot control their lives and a tendency to worry too much are more susceptible to depression. Patterns of negative thinking are formed in childhood or adolescence. Finally, they cause a depressed personality.

If you or someone dear to you suffers from depression, do not hesitate to ask for help. This is the best way to recover and feel good again!

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