Mobile Phone – Do You Sleep Next To It?

If you don’t want to turn off your cell phone at night, at least turn off your internet connection and put it at least a meter away.
Mobile phone - do you sleep next to it?

Nowadays, having your mobile phone always at hand is absolutely essential.   We take it with us wherever we go and, if we forget it at home, we feel that we are missing something. We don’t close it at all during the day, and when we sleep, we keep it on the nightstand.

But, this habit can be harmful to health. Do you want to know if it is harmful or not to sleep next to your mobile phone? Let’s find out the answer below.

Electronic devices are harmful to the body

If you are among the billions of people who sleep with their mobile phones by the bed, you should know that this can cause many health problems. The radiation that a mobile phone emits is very dangerous, not recommended at all.

This is true at any time of the day, but especially at night, while we sleep. If we keep our mobile phone with us, we may have nightmares, insomnia or wake up several times. Cause? These radiations cause certain disorders in self-regulatory processes, such as biological or heart rhythm.

The World Health Organization has said that electronic devices are harmful to the body and can cause cancer. They have toxic effects that scientists do not know. That’s why you need to know that your mobile phone is based on ionizing radiation and wavelengths.

A study conducted in Australia showed that there is an important link between mobile phone use and infertility in men, as well as reduced sperm quality. In both cases there was a high level of stress.

We should turn off our cell phone at night, although we probably use its alarm function. We recommend this because, even if we do not use it, the phone communicates with the base stations through radio waves.

The mobile phone emits electromagnetic waves all the time, not just when we use it. And if we keep it close to our head while we sleep, these harmful rays do us no good.

Insomnia due to mobile phone

How and where should we leave our cell phone when we sleep?

There are two ways: the first would be to close it and put it in the same place where you usually keep it. The second way would be to leave it open but put it in another room. However, this option is less agreed.

And if you don’t want to turn off your phone in case something urgent happens, you can at least turn off your internet or WiFi connection, which is more dangerous than radio waves. Experts recommend that you keep your mobile phone at least one meter away from your body during sleep.

Another important aspect would be not to leave the phone charged at night, keeping it under the pillow. There are many cases in which people have caused burns to their face and hands due to overloading and explosion of devices. Most pillows are made of highly flammable materials, putting us in great danger.

Another risk factor is that if you leave your mobile phone on the nightstand, the level of anxiety increases, we wake up in the middle of the night to check our messages or social networks. This eventually leads to stress, insomnia, lack of concentration, nightmares, headaches.

Other “healthier” habits when using a cell phone

  • Shorten the duration of the calls, and if they are longer, change the place to the other ear after a few minutes.
  • If possible, use a hands-free device to keep the phone close to your head.
  • Keep your mobile phone out of the reach of children, not even as a toy.
  • Do not use your mobile phone in an area where you have a weak signal, as it will emit more electromagnetic waves.
  • Do not hold the mobile phone with you, avoiding contact with the skin.
  • Keep it away from your desk or table.

So we can put the phone aside and relax. During the night, we should force ourselves to sleep and rest, recharge our batteries for the next day. It would be best to turn off the phones until we wake up, or go to work.

Young people with a mobile phone

In this way, we avoid the production of neurological imbalances in terms of sleep or stress levels. The results of studies in this regard are still unclear. However, what has already been published sounds alarming. And don’t forget that other electronic devices can be harmful to your health.

Try not to keep your computer or TV in the bedroom. But if not, you can at least unplug them at night. Turn off the router when you go to bed and try not to use your mobile phone until you fall asleep with it in your hand.

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