Why Do Cancer Cells Appear?

Cancer cells have mutations in their DNA – changes that change the genetic material present in each of them. This happens for a variety of reasons, including hereditary factors, bad habits, or exposure to toxic substances.
Why do cancer cells appear?

To date, scientists have identified more than 100 types of cancer. This condition affects all mammals except a rodent called a mole rat. Early detection of the disease significantly improves the prognosis. That’s why researchers are focusing their efforts on diagnostic and screening campaigns for the most common forms of cancer cells by age. Why do cancer cells appear?

Cancer is a process in which normal cells undergo certain mutations. As a result, they begin to reproduce in an uncontrolled manner. This occurs due to genetic predisposition, but also due to the lifestyle and environment to which we are exposed.

For the body to function properly, there must be a balance between the birth and death of cells. The body has mechanisms to ensure this balance, but when it fails, this indiscriminate cell reproduction occurs, which gives rise to neoplasms.

Why cancer cells appear in humans
Genetic mutations cause cells to reproduce in an uncontrolled way.

Classification of cancer according to the type of cancer cells

Differences between normal cells and cancer cells

There are many differences between normal cells and cancer cells. The first of these is that normal cells stop reproducing when their number is sufficient to perform their function properly. Cancer cells, on the other hand, are constantly multiplying.

Other relevant differences are related to cell interaction. Cancer cells do not respond to signals from other tissues, while normal cells provide adequate responses.

When normal cells are damaged or age, they repair themselves or die. This is the correct evolution for the proper functioning and maintenance of the body’s functions. But cancer cells do not. This partly explains the irregular appearance and the increase in the size of their nucleus.

When it comes to adhesion, normal cells secrete substances that allow them to join another cell group. Cancer cells do not do this, but rather move throughout the body causing metastases – that is, forming new tumor sites near or far from the area of ​​origin.

What are tumors?

Tumors are masses that form due to the uncontrolled multiplication of a group of cells in any tissue in the body. Not every tumor is an automatic indication of cancer, so it is important to make a distinction.

A tumor is benign when its growth is neither disproportionate nor aggressive. In addition, it does not invade nearby tissues or metastasize – that is, it does not spread to other organs of the body. In contrast, a tumor is malignant when its mass consists of cancer cells and can therefore invade nearby tissues and even reach other regions.

What are the stages of cancer?

What are the most common treatments?



Other options

Doctors who explain why cancer cells appear
A multidisciplinary team will determine the best cancer treatment.

Healthy habits to prevent cancer cells

In conclusion, cancer changes the lives of patients and those around them. Therefore, the importance of self-care prevention, expressed through a healthy lifestyle, can never be overestimated.

Science offers many opportunities to detect this disease in time and treat it with a high probability of success. After suffering from cancer, you must also be careful, because there is a possibility of its recurrence, especially in the context of chronic pathologies.

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