How To Remove Mold From Shower Curtains

The secret to preventing the accumulation of dirt and mold on shower curtains is to clean them regularly with natural products.
How to remove mold from shower curtains

Shower curtains must be cleaned frequently so that the hygienic conditions in the bathroom are optimal. Being constantly exposed to moisture and being in a poorly ventilated environment, it is not at all unusual for it to mold. Here’s how to get rid of mold from shower curtains with natural ingredients!

In addition to changing the appearance of shower curtains, mold can cause unpleasant odors and generate particles that affect the health of the respiratory system.

The good news is that we have various tricks to remove mold using ingredients we already have at home. In today’s article we invite you to discover six such tricks, which you can apply every time your shower curtains are covered with mold. Don’t hesitate to try them!

6 tricks to remove mold from shower curtains

Sodium bicarbonate remedy

Mold on shower curtains cleaned with baking soda

Baking soda gives us the most affordable and environmentally friendly way to remove mold from shower curtains. This product has the ability to kill microbes, prevent the development of fungi and neutralize unpleasant odors.


  • ½ cup (100 g) of baking soda
  • 2 cups (500 ml) of warm water


  • Dilute half a cup of baking soda in warm water and add the mixture obtained in the normal cycle of the washing machine.
  • If the shower curtains are made of plastic or other similar material, allow the mixture to cool, spray it on the curtains and rub using a brush.
  • Apply this trick every two weeks to make sure your shower curtains are permanently clean.

Remedy with white vinegar

Considered to be one of the most effective ecological cleaning products, white vinegar is an acidic liquid that prevents oxidation and stains caused by bacteria and fungi.

The active compounds in white vinegar can clean the materials in depth, removing soap residue and prolonging the life of shower curtains.


  • ½ cup (125 ml) of white vinegar


  • Pour the white vinegar into the washing machine and start a normal washing cycle.
  • To prevent the appearance of mold stains, fill a spray bottle with white vinegar and spray the liquid on your shower curtains every day.

Remedy with apple cider vinegar and bleach

The mold on the shower curtains cleaned with apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is not as effective as white vinegar, but the properties of this product are also useful for removing mold from shower curtains. Combined with bleach, apple cider vinegar removes any type of stains and creates a lasting feeling of cleanliness.


  • ½ cup (125 ml) of apple cider vinegar
  • ¼ cup (62 ml) of bleach


  • Combine apple cider vinegar with bleach and put the mixture in the washing machine.
  • Start a cold water wash cycle. Let the shower curtains dry in the sun.
  • Apply this trick at least once a month.

Remedy with milk and salt

The combination of milk and salt is very effective if you want to remove mold from your shower curtains.


  • 2 cups (500 ml) of cold milk
  • 2 cups (500 ml) of water
  • 1 tablespoon (15 g) coarse salt


  • Pour the milk into a bowl and mix with water and salt.
  • Pour the mixture obtained on the shower curtains and rub well with a brush.
  • Remove residues with warm water and apply the remedy every two weeks.

Lemon juice remedy

Lemon cleans the mold on shower curtains

Fresh lemon juice is an ideal ingredient to remove mold and thoroughly clean shower curtains. This liquid is not aggressive and is very useful to intensify the colors of fabrics.


  • The juice of 5 lemons
  • 1 l of hot water


  • Squeeze the juice of five lemons and mix it with hot water. Soak the shower curtains in this solution for 20 minutes.
  • Wash shower curtains with your usual detergent, either manually or in the washing machine.
  • If the mold stains are very large, apply lemon juice directly to the affected area.
  • Leave the juice to act for 30 minutes, then rub with a brush and rinse.

Remedy with white vinegar and pine essential oil

In addition to having the ability to remove mold, the combination of white vinegar and pine essential oil gives shower curtains a pleasant and fresh smell. Try the following trick with confidence!


  • ½ cup (125 ml) of white vinegar
  • ½ cup (125 ml) of water
  • 2 tablespoons (20 g) baking soda
  • 1 teaspoon (5 g) of pine essential oil


  • Pour all ingredients into a clean container. Mix them well with a spoon made of silicone or wood, then pour the solution obtained in the washing machine.
  • If you prefer to wash clothes by hand, rub the shower curtains with this liquid with a brush or sponge.

As you can see, it is not at all difficult to keep your shower curtains clean, especially if you remove the mold before it forms large stains. Choose the trick you find most interesting, and your shower curtains will be impeccable.

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