5 Different Ideas For Planting A Cactus

The cactus is an easy plant to maintain at home. It requires minimal care and beautifully decorates various spaces. Read on to find out more interesting information. 
5 different ideas for planting a cactus

Planting a cactus is no longer uncommon. Although this plant has attracted attention since antiquity, today it has become even more popular, being preferred by many people who want a green place in their home.

Thousands of people opt for cactus as a houseplant due to its special characteristics. The cactus is easy to maintain, retains water for several days, is colorful and can have various shapes and sizes. Learn from this article how to plant a cactus yourself at home.

Unlike other plants, the cactus is very versatile and can be planted in various ways, in any type of pot. Thus, this plant adapts easily both indoors and outdoors.

Are you thinking of planting a cactus at home? Do you want to use it as a decorative element? It is important to keep a few basic ideas in mind to keep it in top condition. Remember!

Useful tips on growing cacti

For people who prefer beautiful and special plants that do not require much care, the cactus is the ideal choice. Even if it is good to take into account certain elements when it comes to cultivating this plant, the rest of the time you do not need to pay special attention to it.

  • A bright and sunny space. To keep the cactus in optimal condition, it is good to place it in a well-lit place, with direct exposure to sunlight.
    • If you want to keep it in the house, put it near the window or in a place where the light is strong for most of the day.
  • Good drain. Drainage is as important as the sun when it comes to caring for cacti. Both in pots and in the ground, the accumulation of water must be avoided.
  • Shallow pots. The roots of the cactus are not very long and do not need much space to grow. A shallower pot is the best option, as water will have nowhere to accumulate.
  • Water in moderate amounts. In terms of watering, the cactus differs from other plants. Although you should not leave it without a drop of water for too long, it is essential to water it in moderate amounts until the soil dries again.
  • Space between plants. One of the main mistakes many people make when planting cacti in the garden is that they place them too close to each other.
    • Although cacti grow hard and do not need much space, it is good to leave a little distance between them.

Ideas for planting a cactus at home

The advantage of this plant is that it can be planted in various ways, regardless of the space available in the house where it is kept. Of course, this is a great benefit for people who want to use it for decorative purposes.

1. Suspended baskets

Ideas for planting a cactus kept in the kitchen

Since the roots of the plant are not very long, baskets are the ideal choice for planting a cactus. The materials from which they are made allow water to drain and fit perfectly with the shape of the cactus.

Be as creative as possible! It combines species of different sizes and textures for a stronger visual impact.

2. Vertical garden

Vertical gardens are fashionable. They are easy to make, allow the planting of different species of cactus and offer a special decorative note.

Don’t forget to use shallow pots, if possible even flat ones. In addition to the fact that no water accumulates inside them, they can be placed on any wall.

3. Mugs

Directions for planting a cactus in cups

Do you have old cups at home that you no longer use? Take them out of the closet and dust them! Dogs are the ideal choice for small species of cactus, as large ones can overturn them due to their weight.

Put several models of cups on a tray and plant the cacti. The decoration obtained is ideal for the kitchen.

4. Shelves

One way to decorate the interior with cacti is to use a shelf. This is the best choice for an office.

The condition for a harmonious appearance is that all cacti are the same size to create a uniform row. But in order for the decoration to look better, it is advisable to opt for different species.

5. Wooden chest

Instructions for planting a cactus in a wooden trunk

We have an idea for planting a suitable cactus and for followers of the rustic style: a wooden chest. This style fits both indoors and outdoors, in the garden or on terraces.

All you have to do is empty the trunk and fill it with earth. Then you can plant the desired cactus in it.

Do you have any other ideas for planting a cactus? Do not hesitate to share them with us!

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