How To Lose Weight Effortlessly: Useful Tricks

Even though it may seem contradictory, to lose weight without suffering, you do not have to keep a diet. The secret is to learn to eat right and increase your consumption of nutritious and filling foods. 
How to lose weight effortlessly: useful tricks

When we think about taking a diet, we automatically imagine that it will be awful, that we will be hungry all the time and that we will have a permanent bad mood. In reality, it can be done differently.  Read on to learn how to lose weight effortlessly and painlessly.

How to lose weight without effort and suffering

Slimming belts are not synonymous with torment and suffering. This misconception has been passed down from generation to generation and we have accepted it as such.

Fortunately, find out that you can lose weight without starving, without being afraid of the yo-yo effect and without being depressed, moody or nervous.

Here’s how to lose weight effortlessly and sacrifice:

1. Give up foods that slow down your metabolism

How to lose weight effortlessly by giving up floury

We can divide harmful foods into three categories: processed sweets, processed flours and fats. How many foods in your diet are included in this list? Probably the majority.

One of the main problems caused by harmful products is bloating. Thus, one reason you find it difficult to lose weight is the accumulation of starch and fat in the tissues.

2. Do not take a diet

Strange as it may seem, the best effortless weight loss cure is to not take a cure! For many people, counting calories and checking product packaging, as well as weighing, becomes an obsession.

Always thinking about your weight and “allowed and forbidden” foods is not good for your physical and mental health. Therefore, it is better not to take care. Especially avoid miraculous diets that promise amazing results in just a few weeks.

3. Serve a healthy breakfast

How to lose weight effortlessly with a healthy breakfast

A healthy diet should provide all the needs of the body. For this reason, breakfast is essential for several reasons. First of all, this meal gives you the nutrients you need to cope with the long day of work. Remember that you slept for many hours and did not eat anything during this time.

Secondly, a full breakfast helps you prevent cravings throughout the day and excessive hunger at lunchtime. In addition, the morning meal gives you energy to exercise, be productive at work, etc.

Long periods of “black fasting” lead to the accumulation of fat in the body.  The body does not receive food, as a result of which it makes “reserves”.

Try to add the following food groups to your breakfast menu: fruits, vegetables, dairy, cereals and avoid fries, sweets and pastries.

 4. Don’t weigh yourself all the time

Body weight fluctuates depending on several factors:

  • For example, if you weigh yourself in the morning, before breakfast, and in the evening, after serving several meals throughout the day, the two values ​​will not match.
  • At the same time, you will get different results if you weigh yourself before and after a physical workout.
  • The weight can also change whether or not you went to the toilet, depending on the water consumed and during menstruation.

It is best to weigh yourself once a month, under the same conditions (for example, always before breakfast and exercise).

5. Eat more often (but smaller portions)

How to lose weight effortlessly by eating smaller portions

One of the main problems with miraculous diets is that they significantly reduce the amount of food ingested. This is harmful because the body needs different nutrients.

It is not recommended to eat only a yogurt for lunch or a bowl of soup for dinner. If you want to know how to lose weight effortlessly, it’s very simple: eat more often, but be smart.

Instead of serving 4 hearty meals, opt for 6 smaller meals. Simply divide the same amount of food into several portions.

A good idea is to eat once every 3 or 4 hours. This way, you will be less hungry at lunch or dinner, your body will benefit from a continuous “flow” of energy, and your stomach will burn fat while digesting food. 

6. Chew the food well

This is another trick to keep in mind if you want to know how to lose weight effortlessly and without resorting to miraculous diets.

  • When you eat fast, you ingest more food. Many times, when we receive the signal from the brain that the stomach is full, it is already too late.
  • Chewing each mouthful 30 times also helps digestion, because the digestive system receives the shredded food better.
  • Another useful trick is to use smaller plates. In this way, you will automatically reduce your food portions.

7. Don’t give up on foods you like

How to lose weight effortlessly and without giving up ice cream

You can always serve an ice cream, a cake or a hamburger if you show moderation. Eat one of your favorite foods once a week and don’t be afraid to occasionally deviate from your diet.

If you allow yourself this “escape”, you will be able to prevent anxiety and cravings. In addition, the next time you have a plate of your favorite food in front of you, you will no longer feel the need to devour it in a few seconds.

8. Eat more protein

Protein has many benefits for the body and helps you easily lose extra pounds. Try to add a dose of protein with fruits and vegetables to each meal, to feel full and full of energy.

Protein-rich foods are low in calories, slow down digestion and are healthy.

9. Avoid items that distract you from the table

Turn off the TV, set the phone aside, and don’t open the book you were planning to read at the table. If you do other activities while eating, you will consume larger amounts of food and you will be tempted to opt for unhealthy products.

In addition, you will not chew food as well, and the brain will find it harder to get the message that the stomach is full, because it focuses on other things.

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