Early Breast Cancer Symptoms

Early diagnosis is essential to reduce the impact of the disease. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to the first symptoms, which often go unnoticed. 
Early symptoms of breast cancer

Do you know the main early symptoms of breast cancer? Most people ignore the signals sent by the body when something is wrong. Although it is true that sometimes it is not necessary to panic because of every symptom, it is not advisable to ignore it, because it can signal a serious health problem.

Regarding breast cancer, experts insist that early detection is the most effective way to reduce the impact of the disease and increase the chances of survival.

Unfortunately, the few early symptoms of breast cancer are often ignored, with signs only being detected after the disease has reached an advanced stage.

Knowing the first signs and symptoms of breast cancer is a preventative measure that helps you discover the disease early. Read on to find out what the top 10 early breast cancer symptoms are.

Early symptoms of breast cancer

Unexplained weight loss

For many women, sudden weight loss seems like a miracle, as they are constantly looking for ways to lose weight or maintain a healthy waist.

But instead of joy, this symptom should be a cause for concern, because the sudden loss of at least 5 kg is one of the first early symptoms of breast cancer.


Early symptoms of breast cancer in young women

The feeling of fatigue you feel at the end of the day or during tense periods is not an abnormal thing. The risk occurs when the fatigue becomes chronic and does not disappear even after you have dedicated enough time to rest.

Abnormal bleeding

Any unexpected bleeding or bleeding can be an early symptom of breast cancer or other conditions. Generally, people suffering from this disease experience a slight bleeding of the nipples.


Woman showing early symptoms of breast cancer

Most nodules are benign, but they are just as worrisome. The skin covering the breasts may undergo certain changes that indicate the presence of breast cancer. The symptoms you should consider are:

  • Redness
  • ulceration
  • Color changes
  • cellulitis

Deepening of the nipple into the breast tissue

When examining your breasts, you should also pay attention to the nipples, to see if they look normal or if they have changed their appearance.

Deepening or retraction of the nipple inside is almost always a sign of breast cancer. 

Breast pain

In the early stages, pain or pressure in the breasts are less common symptoms. As the disease progresses, tenderness or pain in the breast area in the absence of touch is common. 

Of course, this pain should not be confused with that specific to PMS or mastitis.

Breast size changes

Breast cancer can be detected early

Breast size changes are just as important for early detection of breast cancer. If a breast is inflamed or has shrunk, this may indicate the need for medical intervention.

Nipple secretions

Sometimes nipple secretions are not a problem and go away on their own in just a few days.

However, in most cases, these secretions are an important symptom. Many women diagnosed with breast cancer claim to have noticed a foul-smelling secretion in one or both nipples.


Observing changes in breast shape or texture is another way to detect breast cancer early. Irregularities in the contour of the breast, but also redness or dimples in the skin are clear signs of this disease. 

What are the risk factors for breast cancer?

Breast cancer mainly affects women, but men can also suffer from this disease. The main risk factors are:

  • The fact that you are a woman and over 55 years old.
  • Cases of breast cancer in the family.
  • The fact that you had your first period before the age of 12.
  • An early or late menopause.
  • Obesity.
  • The fact that you had no children.

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