How To Stay Fit After 50 Years

Once you reach a certain age, it is harder to keep fit, but you just have to have the right attitude and carry out activities that fulfill you and get you moving. 
How to stay fit after 50 years

Both women and men need to adopt certain healthy habits for an indefinite period of time in order to enjoy a superior quality of life at 50, 60, 70 or even 80 years. But it is essential to stay in shape after 50 years, when menopause or andropause sets in, to prevent health problems that occur during this period of life.

In the lines below we offer you some tips to improve your health if you are over 50 years old.

If you are 50 years old, it does not mean that you are old!

In the past, a person who had already started a family and was close to retirement age was considered “old”. Fortunately, things have changed. Today, 50 is the ideal age to change your habits and try new things. 

Medicine has also advanced. It was previously thought to be dangerous for menopausal women to exercise. Today, we know how healthy sport is at any age.

It is a good idea to choose physical activities that you enjoy and to practice them with people of the same age. In this way, you train not only your body, but also your mind.

In addition, we recommend that you have fun outdoors and participate in classes or workshops that keep your brain in optimal condition and strengthen your memory and ability to understand.

How to stay fit after 50 years

Whether you have been active all your life or have never set foot in the gym, it is very important to do a physical workout. 

Keeping fit after 50 years is not an impossible task. Before you begin, consider the following tips:

1. Set clear goals

The sport of keeping fit after 50 years

Why do you want to exercise? Maybe you want to lose weight. Or maybe you want to improve your balance or strengthen certain parts of your body. Or maybe you just want to stay healthy. It is not excluded that you just want to clear your mind, relax or meet new people.

If you keep in mind the precise purpose for which you want to move, you will be able to stay motivated even on days when you do not want to leave the house.

2. Find the right activity for you

It is important to find an activity suitable for your age, constitution, abilities and experience. It seems difficult, but you will surely succeed.

Try them all until you find the right one. You will realize that you have reached your goal when you do not want to miss any opportunity to practice it.

3. Put the chosen activity in the agenda

Walking to keep fit after 50 years

The next step is to decide how much time you will spend on exercise per day or per week. Combine daily activities with sports and you will not be able to give them up.

Organize your daily schedule if you have many responsibilities.

4. Look at sports as a fun activity

Keeping fit is a long-term goal. If you go a day or two, it’s not a tragedy. Don’t worry if one day you don’t feel like it, you’re sick or it’s raining outside and you don’t want to leave the house. Take advantage of time to spend with your family, take a nap or watch a movie.

5. Change your diet

Nutrition for fitness after 50 years

Remember that a woman’s metabolism slows down after menopause. Therefore, if you eat as before, you will gain weight.

Ask a nutritionist to design a diet appropriate to your age and needs. In addition, add more fruits, vegetables, legumes and whole grains to your daily diet. 

Exercise that keeps you fit after 50 years

It is recommended to start easy, especially if you are not used to moving (or have never done). The following exercises are an excellent choice if you are over 50 years old:

1. Walking

  • Walking is a fundamental exercise, recommended for any age. It can be practiced anywhere and at any time.
  • It is best to walk outdoors, but you can also go to the gym or on the treadmill when it is cold or raining outside.
  • You can take the opportunity to take a walk with a relative or pet.
  • It is generally recommended to walk one hour a day. Wear comfortable shoes and go at your own pace.

2. The dance

Keeping fit after 50 years by dancing

Life without music cannot be called life. In addition, the dance is healthy. Keeping fit after 50 years can be the most fun mission if you accomplish it to the beat of the music. In addition, you don’t even have to leave the houseā€¦ you can dance as much as you want in the living room!

Dancing is a great way to improve your coordination, increase your self-esteem and oxygenate your blood.

3. Yoga

This ancient practice is ideal to keep fit after 50 years. Among other things, yoga offers the following benefits:

  • Tones muscles;
  • Increases flexibility;
  • Improves balance;
  • It is an emotional therapy.

You can practice yoga at a slow or alert pace, while creating a connection with your inner self.

4. Swimming

Swimming to keep fit after 50 years

Swimming is very beneficial after entering menopause or andropause. This activity keeps you in shape after 50 years without unnecessarily overloading your body. Due to the effects of water, you train your muscles without realizing it.

If you don’t know how to swim, maybe it’s time to take a few lessons. In addition, you can practice other water activities (such as aerobics). As many swimming pools are covered, you can also visit these places in winter.

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