The Benefits Of Acrobatic Gymnastics And Useful Tips

If you think the term “acrogy” refers to gymnastic stunts, you’re right. Read on to find out the benefits of acrobatic gymnastics and how to practice it!
The benefits of acrobatic gymnastics and useful tips

You may have often seen that in the middle of a basketball game, a group of boys and girls do fantastic jumps, tumbles, pyramids and pirouettes. It’s about acrogy or acrobatic gymnastics. It is a practice or a sport with music and many amazing stunts. What are the benefits of acrobatic gymnastics and how can you practice it?

The discipline is also known as acrosport or acrogym. In fact, the name combines a bit of both activities: acrobatics and gymnastics, especially rhythmic.

In this article, we will explain what the acrogy consists of, what training entails and what benefits the practice of this sport brings. Although the movements may seem complicated, you do not have to be an Olympic gymnast to enjoy this experience.

What is acrobatic gymnastics?

Acrogym is a performance sport, based on movements typical of gymnastics, such as jumping and tumbling; it includes choreography and even ballet steps, plus pirouettes and pyramids.

The practice of acrobatic gymnastics was born in the former Soviet Union. In 1974, the first championship supported by the International Federation of Acrobatic Sports and the International Gymnastics Federation took place.

There are currently acrobatic gymnastics clubs for children and young people. Many gyms also offer acrobatic gymnastics workouts for all ages.

What are the benefits of acrobatic gymnastics?

Physically, acrobatic gymnastics increases strength and control, as well as flexibility and coordination. All this translates into better muscle tone and a more efficient response from the body.

Similarly, it is an intense and demanding physical activity, which helps to burn fat and calories. It is an ideal sport for those who want to lose weight, while maintaining the firmness of the skin.

In general, acrobatic gymnastics trains the back muscles, especially those in the lower back. Due to this, people who practice acrogym have a healthy posture.

Of course, in the case of aerobic activity, in which the rate of respiration and heart rate increases, an improvement in cardiovascular health is obtained.

The benefits of acrobatic gymnastics for children
Some elements of rhythmic gymnastics are also used in acrobatic gymnastics.

The emotional aspect

Because it is closely linked to dance, acrobatic gymnastics offers the same benefits as this one. In this sense, it helps you cope with stress and discouragement, making you relax and have fun.

Research has been conducted that has concluded that acrobatic gymnastics improves the self-esteem of people with physical or emotional problems, because they feel part of the group, being accepted and understood.

The movements performed in the acrogy are demanding and can cause fear or insecurity. However, when the person is facing these types of challenges and can overcome them, he is relieved of fears and anxiety.

Acrogymnastics is therefore ideal to help strengthen self-esteem and increase the feeling of self-improvement. In this regard, according to studies conducted on cooperation in physical activity, when a member achieves a goal, the rest of the team feels that he has done the same.

By practicing acrobatic gymnastics, you improve your rhythm and coordination between what you hear and what you do with your body. The result is ideal for working on proprioception and developing motor skills.

Acrobatic gymnastics encourages the creativity of the participants, who have to invent new movements to vary the routine.

Finally, it strengthens the sense of responsibility and skills associated with leadership, because everyone has to take on a task and fulfill it. You will also have to take on the role of captain or group leader.

What are acrobatic gymnastics trainings?

The benefits of acrobatic gymnastics in adults
There may be mixed couples, with the participation of a man and a woman in acroduo.

If you are interested in this sport, you should consider some recommendations. For starters, if you are not in good shape, you need to adapt the exercises, because acrobatic gymnastics is quite demanding.

It is ideal to join a group that has a similar level to yours, because coordination is essential. There are beginner courses in the gyms.

As in all sports, you need to choose appropriate clothing and footwear. A large, ventilated space with some cushioning on the floor is required to reduce the impact on landing or in the event of a fall.

Are you interested in the benefits of acrobatic gymnastics?

Viewed from a distance, the acrogy seems to be a captivating activity. However, it is important to remember that any initiation into the practice of sport involves a process and a gradual adaptation.

We have to be patient, go through everything step by step. We also need to know how to deal with frustration when things are not going well; we must have respect and tolerance if one of our colleagues fails.

Finally, we must remember that the most important thing is to relax and enjoy sports. We don’t have to stress.

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