Sleeping On Your Side Lowers The Risk Of Fetal Death

When you are pregnant, sleeping on your back can put pressure on your blood vessels due to your baby’s weight. Thus, blood and oxygen reach the fetus harder. 
Sleeping on one side lowers the risk of fetal death

Pregnancy is a time in a woman’s life when restful sleep is almost impossible. The enlarged abdomen and the frequent need to urinate interrupt the future mother’s sleep. However, many women find the most comfortable position so that they can remove at least one impediment. It is about sleeping on one side, which reduces the risk of fetal death.

Sleeping face up in the last trimester of pregnancy is not a beneficial habit,  as it can cause major risks to the baby.

British researchers published an article in the Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology. In it, they revealed that sleeping on their backs in the last stage of pregnancy can double the risk of fetal death. Instead, experts have found that in the case of mothers who sleep on one side, this risk is much lower.

Risk of fetal death in the last trimester of pregnancy

Based on data collected from 1,000 women in the last trimester of pregnancy, the authors of the MiNess Study concluded that sleeping on one side is safer for babies. Experts claim that the mother’s habit of sleeping on her side after the 27th week of pregnancy reduces the risk of fetal death by 3.7%.

In addition, sleeping on your back from the same stage of pregnancy increases the risk of fetal death by 2.3 times. The comparison is made with mothers who are used to sleeping on one side.

The study mentioned above is one of the most complex conducted in recent years on this subject. According to the BBC, it confirms the results of other smaller studies conducted in New Zealand and Australia.

The same study conducted in the United Kingdom shows that one in 225 pregnancies ends with the death of the baby.

Why does sleeping face up increase the risk of fetal death?

Sleeping on your back increases the risk of fetal death

To date, no explanation has been found for the link between sleeping face up and the major risk of fetal death. But one of the hypotheses suggested suggests that when the woman sleeps on her back, the weight of the baby, plus the weight of the uterus, puts pressure on the blood vessels. Circulation and oxygen supply to the baby are interrupted.

As the above explanation has not been confirmed, as more studies are needed in this regard, researchers recommend sleeping on one side in the last three months of pregnancy. 

It doesn’t matter if the expectant mother sleeps on the left or on the right. Moreover, she can put a pillow on her back to prevent her from turning on her back during the night.

Should I worry if I wake up on my back? Is my baby in danger?

The risk of fetal death is influenced by the position in which you fall asleep

Experts say that pregnant women should not worry if they wake up face up. The most important is the position in which they fell asleep, as this is maintained for a longer time.

Alexander Heazell, director of Tommy’s Research Center at St. Mary from Manchester, UK, is also the leader of the study mentioned above. It recommends that pregnant women in the last trimester of pregnancy always sleep on their side. The suggestion is also valid in the case of afternoon sleep.

Alexander Heazell claims:

I don’t want women who wake up to be scared and say to themselves, Oh, no, I did a horrible thing to my baby. The conclusions of our study refer to the position in which the mother sleeps, because in this position she spends the most time. In addition, you have no way to control the position in which you wake up. You can only decide the position in which you fall asleep. 

The publication of the study and the specialist’s recommendations coincide with the launch of the “Sleep On One Side” Campaign, supported by the organization that supports Tommy’s Hospital.

  • The main goal is to educate women about the risks associated with sleeping face up in the last months of pregnancy.

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