One-day Detoxification To Eliminate Water Retention

Quickly and effectively combats water retention through the combination of teas, diuretic foods and exercise that stimulates perspiration. Find out in today’s article how to proceed!
One-day detoxification to eliminate water retention

Did you wake up bloated? Want to know how to perform detoxification to eliminate water retention? This problem causes many unpleasant symptoms: swollen face, eyelids, abdomen or legs, feeling of heaviness and extra pounds.

Find out what you can do to eliminate water retention in the early hours of the morning with the help of a few simple tricks related to health and diet.

Tips for eliminating water retention

Eliminate salt from the diet

Salt prevents the elimination of water retention

Salt is needed by the body, but only if it is of high quality, such as sea or Himalayan salt and if consumed in small quantities. But if you want to quickly combat water retention, you need to completely eliminate salt from the diet until the swelling is reduced. Therefore, you must do the following:

  • Do not sprinkle salt on food.
  • Replace salt with sea water or opt for other methods of seasoning dishes (lemon, vinegar, mustard, herbs, spices).

Beware of foods that are rich but hidden in salt. Some examples would be:

  • Cheese
  • Meats
  • Sauces
  • French fries or chips
  • Salted hazelnuts
  • Frozen or semi-prepared foods

Increases potassium intake

Vegetables to eliminate water retention

Unlike sodium, potassium is a mineral that helps eliminate water retention. Therefore, it should be included in the diet daily, not just during a one-day detoxification treatment.

Some foods rich in potassium are the following:

  • Tomatoes
  • Pumpkin
  • Celery
  • Artichoke
  • Asparagus
  • Coconut
  • Guava
  • Kiwi
  • bananas

An excellent option is to start your day with a smoothie with bananas, coconut and kiwi sweetened with stevia. Another idea would be to prepare a salad with tomatoes, pumpkin, celery and asparagus, seasoned with garlic, vinegar, oregano and olive oil.

In addition, drinking water or detox in the morning helps to expand the “fast” during the night, which allows the body to focus on performing its natural diuretic processes.

Drink water

It may seem paradoxical, but consumption helps to eliminate water retention because this vital fluid activates kidney function. However, be careful to drink quality water and, if possible, low in sodium.

If you find it difficult to drink 8 glasses of plain water a day, try drinking water enriched with lemon juice, fruit peels, fresh herbs or sweetened with a few drops of stevia.

Consume diuretic teas

As you try to get rid of water retention as soon as possible, the consumption of medicinal teas with diuretic properties contributes to the detoxification process. Here are some plant suggestions:

  • Horsetail: This is one of the most diuretic plants. Therefore, it is advisable to drink tea only for a short period of time, not in the long term.
  • Dandelion:  This plant acts not only on the kidneys, but also on the liver, as a result of which it helps a complete detoxification.
  • Burdock: Burdock helps eliminate fluids retained in the body through urine and sweat.
  • Nettle: This plant supports the kidneys, removes skin blemishes and has a high iron content, due to which it fights anemia.

Use dry brushing

Dry brushing is a useful technique for fighting cellulite and toning the skin. This is a method of draining the whole body, which is why you want to urinate immediately. 

How to proceed?

All you need is a dry body brush. Use it to massage the skin starting from the soles, always in the direction of the heart. Don’t forget the back. If you can’t be alone, ask another person to help you.

Do demanding exercise

Elimination of water retention through sports

Another trick to eliminate water retention is through sweating caused by medium-intensity exercise.

Interval exercises are in vogue now and are very useful in this case. You need to do high-intensity exercise, followed by a few seconds of rest. Repeat the pattern several times. This process helps to speed up the metabolism, burn calories and stimulate sweating.

To sweat even harder, you can also consume some ginger, a root that, in turn, activates the metabolism.

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