The Truth About People Who Like To Be Alone

People who like to be alone tend to know their own needs very well. In addition, as hard as it may seem to believe, they are able to discern the fears and worries of those around them.
The truth about people who like to be alone

People who like to be alone are very lucky. Voluntary loneliness, well managed and fully enjoyed can improve health and well-being.

Many people feel that loneliness is harmful. After all, it seems to oppose social foundations and the specific ties of human beings. But we must remember that being alone is not a bad thing.

The time we spend alone allows us to connect with our inner world, with our thoughts and emotions. In this way, it is easier for us to cope with stress and anxiety. In other words, time spent alone strengthens our personality.

Researchers have tried to study people who like to be alone and discover their features. Healthy, cathartic loneliness is a “moment of disconnection.” This does not mean “escaping”, avoiding others or neglecting important social ties.

It is very beneficial to retire to your shell from time to time. Your well-being will win! In today’s article we present to you what science says about people who like to be alone.

Using the moments when you are alone for personal fulfillment

People who like to be alone have an animal

Opera Party of One: The Loner’s Manifesto ( in one group. Manifesto a lonely ) by Anneli Rufus tells us that almost 25% of people can be called “lonely”. Such individuals love solitude and their own company.

Unfortunately, people who like to be alone have often been negatively labeled by society. They are considered to be antisocial, failed, elitist or even selfish.

Many of us find it difficult to trust these people. This is because, for example, they usually set aside a week to disconnect from everything and everything. In addition, when someone has no partner and says “I feel better that way”, we start to worry.

How can you be happy without sharing your life with someone else? What can we gain if we do not share our thoughts with others? Is there any joy in opting for silence instead of talking? Can you really enjoy life if you keep your feelings to yourself and don’t share a couch, a bed, a table or a walk with anyone?

These are the most common doubts that extroverts have about people who like to be alone. Extroverted people have a constant need for stimuli. They long for the company and support of others.

However, scientific research offers us a different point of view.

People who like to be alone do not run away from the world

People who like to be alone do not isolate themselves

Dr. Birk Hagemeye of the University of Jena, Germany, and his colleagues developed a scale to measure social activity, connections with others, and an individual’s desire to be alone. Loneliness can be of several types:

  • On the one hand, we have neurotics.  They take refuge in solitude because they are unable to socialize. The environment, the people around him and the stimuli cause the neurotic to close in on himself.
  • At the opposite pole are people who enjoy loneliness only at specific times. At the same time, they do not run away from anything and anyone. They simply want to be alone so they can explore their own thoughts.

So, the so-called “Alphabet of Social Desires” was invented, a tool that allows us to better understand this type of personality.

  • People who like to be alone can easily adjust their mood. In addition, they have fewer “explosions” of negative emotions, such as discomfort or frustration.
  • These individuals tend to be more open. Originality, curiosity and imagination are their specific features.
  • As hard as it may seem to believe, people who like to be alone know how to please themselves. Their ability to empathize with others is remarkable.
  • By being connected to their personal universe, they can more easily recognize their external needs, fears, and worries.
  • Another interesting aspect is that people who prefer loneliness are more self-aware. They know they are introverts and they accept this very easily.
People who like to be alone face stress easily
  • According to researchers, this type of introversion has nothing to do with shyness.
  • Extroverts tend to experience fear or discomfort when they are forced to be alone. They see loneliness as a threat and feel “destroyed” if they do not have a partner, friends, etc. with them.
  • Last but not least, lonely people cope with stress and anxiety more easily.

Disadvantages of loneliness

You may be wondering, however, what are the disadvantages of loneliness. The “Alphabet of Social Desires” shows us that introverts feel misunderstood. They have a good opinion of themselves and a high self-esteem. However, they see themselves as the “black sheep” or “weird” of their group.

Each of us is unique and no one personality is better than another. Whether you are very sociable or you prefer to spend your time alone, it is advisable to learn to accept yourself and be the best version of yourself.

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