Opioid Treatment For Cancer

Opioid treatment allows people to control the intense pain caused by cancer. However, opioids can lead to many side effects, so people need to use them carefully. Read on to find out everything you need to know about this topic!
Opioid treatment in cancer

Opioid treatment in cancer has the role of helping the patient cope with intense pain. Often, severe pain occurs due to the pressure of the tumor itself. Pain may also occur due to certain treatments or subsequent changes in the immune system, among others.

Nowadays, cancer is one of the worst health problems. Estimates indicate that millions of people die each year from this disease. Also, about 40% of cancer patients receiving treatment suffer from pain.

Unfortunately, in the later stages of cancer, severe pain occurs in about 80% of patients. It is a complex situation, difficult to approach. Each person responds in a certain way to a certain treatment that often includes extremely powerful drugs.

At present, scientists are making progress in this area and are gradually establishing new treatment procedures. In today’s article, we will discuss opioid treatment in cancer.

How cancer pain is relieved

However, there is a general treatment model for cancer pain, depending on its intensity. This scale is in line with World Health Organization standards. The following groups of drugs are listed by intensity

  • Simple painkillers : such as acetaminophen and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). They are intended for people with mild pain. The most common drugs used are ibuprofen and naproxen.
  • The second level of treatment includes weak opioids for patients with moderate pain. Codeine, tramadol or dihydrocodeine are used.
  • Doctors prescribe strong opioids for very intense pain. Morphine is the most commonly used, although treatment may also involve methadone or fentanyl. Unfortunately, more than half of patients end up needing these medications at some point.
Opioid drugs

To classify pain, physicians must properly evaluate each patient and use the pain scale. The pain scale takes into account the different characteristics of the pain to classify it somewhere between mild and unbearable.

In general, pain is the result of several mechanisms. Thus, it may be necessary to mix and combine several types of drugs.

What are opioid drugs?

Opioid drugs are substances made from opium that act on brain receptors or opioid receptors. These receptors are distributed throughout the central and peripheral nervous system.

These drugs stick to receptors and eliminate nerve stimuli. Thus, by slowing down the stimulus, they cancel out the transmission of pain.

However, you should keep in mind that these drugs have serious side effects. First, many opioids, such as morphine, can lead to addiction. Similarly, they can increase the feeling of fatigue and weakness. Another risk is that they can lead to depression in the respiratory system. Therefore, doctors must be very careful about doses, and patients must use opioid treatment in cancer only under medical supervision.

Opioid treatment in cancer

Opioid treatment in cancer

Opioid treatment in cancer: conclusion

Opioid treatment for cancer pain is complex. Therefore, doctors should prescribe it according to the characteristics of each patient. As you can see, this treatment can only be chosen by the oncologist.

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