How To Control Prediabetes?

The diagnosis of prediabetes can be alarming. But there are many things you can do to improve your lifestyle and keep your condition under control. Do you suffer from this problem? Then you can’t miss this article!
How to control prediabetes?

If you are diagnosed with prediabetes, it means that your blood sugar is higher than normal, but not high enough to have diabetes. How can you control prediabetes?

Usually, this condition comes from insulin resistance, a problem characterized by the body’s inability to use this hormone correctly. In most cases, prediabetes occurs before type 2 diabetes and can be reversible.

After detecting prediabetes, it is important to follow a plan to regulate your blood glucose level and, in general, to improve your quality of life. You should also follow the treatment prescribed by your doctor as long as he deems it necessary. Do you suffer from this condition? Read on to find out how to control prediabetes!

Tips to keep prediabetes under control

For a correct diagnosis of prediabetes, the doctor must perform a blood test. Rapid blood glucose testing, such as the fingertip test, is not enough to detect this disease. Instead, certain tests need to be done, such as the A1c hemoglobin test and the fasting plasma glucose test (FPG).

Treatment for the control of prediabetes may vary depending on the person and their needs. Treatment plays a key role in preventing type 2 diabetes, as prediabetes tends to be a precursor to this disease. What should you do?

1. Increase your fiber intake

Foods useful in prediabetes
Fiber is an important part of any diet to prevent metabolic diseases.

High-fiber foods play an important role when it comes to controlling prediabetes. Fiber helps increase satiety, improve digestion and prevent high blood sugar. As if all this weren’t enough, eating fiber helps you have more energy during the day.

Some of the healthiest sources of fiber are:

  • Cereals like quinoa

For obvious reasons, the prediabetes treatment plan should include the elimination of all sources of refined sugar from the diet. Sources of refined sugar hinder metabolic activity and have a considerable effect on blood sugar and the development of diabetes.

Therefore, it is imperative to avoid sugar, breakfast cereals, soft drinks and any other foods that contain large amounts of this element. Currently, there are many healthy alternatives for sweetening food without risking your health. If you can’t live without sweets, check out these options.

3. Drink more water

Woman hydrating
Increased water intake will help you improve kidney and digestive system function.

Water plays a very important role in many aspects of health. A large part of your body is made up of water. In this particular case, increased water intake is an excellent option to control prediabetes and keep your blood sugar under control.

This low-calorie beverage replaces soft drinks, juices, energy drinks and many other products that do not quench your thirst. In addition, it helps you improve your kidney function, which promotes the elimination of fluids and waste through urine.

4. Lose weight

Although weight loss depends on many factors, it is important to pay special attention to it. Overweight and obese people are more at risk of developing diabetes and other metabolic disorders. For this reason, if you are overweight, it is important to take steps to reduce your weight.

Currently, there are many things you can do to help you achieve this goal. In addition, if you exercise, you will get rid of extra pounds faster. As if that wasn’t enough, losing about 10% of your total weight can improve your cardiovascular and joint health.

5. Exercise

How to control prediabetes through sport
Along with eating habits, sport is the most recommended step for preventing and treating diabetes.

Regular exercise is one of the most effective ways to control prediabetes and prevent type 2 diabetes. According to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Renal Diseases (NIDDK), a sedentary lifestyle is associated with resistance. higher insulin.

The same institute recommends us to exercise at least 5 days a week, for at least 30 minutes. It doesn’t have to be a high-intensity activity: walking, dancing or cycling are great options.

Did you get a diagnosis of prediabetes? Apply the tips in this article to reduce the risk of other complications. Of course, you should consult your doctor regularly to monitor your blood sugar level.

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