How To Choose A Calcium Supplement

There are many calcium supplements available on the market. When it comes to choosing such a product, you need to consider your needs. So ask for a doctor’s opinion first.
How to choose a calcium supplement

Sometimes it may be necessary to take a calcium supplement to meet our daily needs. Insufficient calcium intake can trigger premature osteoporosis, especially in menopausal women.

In general, calcium assimilation depends on the level of vitamin D. It is important, therefore, to keep the levels of these nutrients within normal limits. Unfortunately, certain foods, such as fiber sources, can affect the absorption of dietary calcium.

To meet your calcium needs, you need to resort to supplements. But not all supplements are the same, so you have to choose one that meets your personal needs.

Calcium, an essential nutrient for bone health

Calcium-rich eggs and dairy products
Dairy products and green leafy vegetables contain calcium. Sometimes, however, their consumption is not enough to meet our daily needs.

This mineral has been directly associated with bone health and function. Dairy products and green leafy vegetables are rich in calcium. But there are situations where food intake is insufficient.

Ideally, you should eat five servings of fruits and vegetables and several servings of dairy each day. This habit will reduce your risk of developing a calcium deficiency.

What calcium supplement should you take?

Calcium pills in the bottle
There are several types of calcium supplements. To choose the right one for you, consider your personal needs.

The most popular over-the-counter calcium supplement is calcium carbonate. This relatively inexpensive product is easy to administer. It is available as capsules or chewable tablets that contain 200 mg of calcium per dose.

The most prescribed calcium supplement is calcium citrate. Supplements issued only with a prescription are more expensive, but they also have a higher absorption rate. They are recommended for people with low levels of gastric acid, a problem that can inhibit the absorption of calcium carbonate.

In addition to the two options mentioned, you can also find calcium lactate, calcium phosphate and calcium gluconate on the market. They contain less calcium than calcium carbonate and citrate.

It is important to opt for products that have passed the term “purified” on the packaging. Also, avoid products made from unrefined oyster shells, bone meal or dolomite, as they may contain traces of heavy metals.

How to increase your calcium intake

If you want to increase your calcium intake, it is important to consider certain recommendations. First, ask for a doctor’s opinion. Then gradually increase the dose of calcium supplement and try to distribute it throughout the day. In this way, you will prevent the occurrence of side effects in the intestine.

Usually, it is enough to combine calcium supplements with an increased intake of vitamin D. You can increase your vitamin D level by going out in the sun, eating more eggs and ocean fish or taking supplements.

Precautions before taking a calcium supplement

The worst side effect of excess calcium is kidney stones. This health problem does not occur in everyone, but only in prone people.

In addition, excess calcium can affect the absorption of other nutrients, such as zinc, magnesium and phosphorus. Therefore, never exceed the daily doses recommended by specialists.

If you have consumed too much calcium and experience side effects, increase your intake of fluids and high-fiber foods to reduce calcium absorption.


If you do not get enough calcium from your diet, it is best to resort to supplements. From all the options available on the market, choose the one that can meet your personal needs.

But do not increase your calcium intake suddenly, because you risk experiencing side effects. Last but not least, keep in mind that calcium supplements can be combined with vitamin D supplements to maximize the absorption and bioavailability of the first nutrient.

Regardless of the circumstances, consult a doctor or nutritionist before taking any supplement. The specialist will assess your needs and indicate the correct dosage.

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