Hair Repolarization Treatment At Home

By combining certain ingredients with moisturizing and revitalizing properties, you can prepare a natural remedy for hair repolarization. This treatment has the ability to repair damaged and dry hair, restoring the vitality and luster of the hair ornament.
Hair repolarization treatment at home

When hair begins to look lifeless and dry, we can resort to various professional or alternative solutions. Hair repolarization is one of the most popular options available. A hair repolarization treatment can nourish the hair ornament, restructuring it.

In other words, repolarization treatments are cocktails of moisturizing ingredients, which restore the shine of the hair and make it more silky instantly. Although many salons and beauty centers offer such treatments, hair repolarization can also be done at home.

But what are the benefits of this practice? And what ingredients do we need?

We know that many women are eager to repolarize their hair. In today’s article we explain in detail why it is good to do this. At the same time, we offer you a treatment for hair repolarization that you can try at home.

The benefits of hair repolarization at home

Hair repolarization at home is ideal when hair adornment begins to show signs of abuse and weakness. We can resort to this type of treatment if our hair is damaged due to excessive use of electric plates, dryers or any other products or devices that have a negative impact on hair and follicles.

Because it involves combining products with revitalizing and moisturizing ingredients, regular hair repolarization offers many other benefits. In fact, stylists recommend that we repolarize our hair adornment once a month, in order to constantly have silky and well-hydrated hair.

In short, hair repolarization has the following advantages:

  • Makes the fibers softer and hydrated
  • Increases the strength and elasticity of the hair
  • Keep your hair “rebellious” and curly under control
  • Prevents wrinkling of threads
  • Restores the shine of the hair ornament and its health

Hair repolarization treatment at home

Oils included in a hair repolarization treatment

Another benefit of repolarizing hair at home is that you will not have to spend as much money as when you go to the salon. As you already know, professional treatments are very expensive, and many of us can’t afford them.

So, the next hair repolarization treatment is ideal for those people who do not have a lot of money or try to save, but also want to have attractive hair. After all, we can buy the necessary ingredients from cosmetic stores at reasonable prices.


  • Regular shampoo
  • 2 tablespoons (30 ml) of coconut oil
  • 1 tablespoon (15 ml) olive oil
  • 100 ml keratin treatment
  • 120 ml moisturizing hair mask (based on silkworms, duck embryos, collagen, etc.)


  • A plastic cup
  • A paintbrush
  • An electric hob
  • Aluminum foil
  • A thermal helmet for painting


  • First, wash your head with your regular shampoo.
  • Then mix the coconut oil and olive oil in a plastic cup.
  • Add keratin and hair mask. Mix until you get a homogeneous composition.
  • Using a brush, apply the treatment on the still wet hair (after you have washed and handled it).
  • It is a good idea to separate your hair ornament into several strands, so that you can distribute the treatment properly from roots to tips.
  • Put on your thermal helmet and let the treatment work for 10-15 minutes.
Woman using a hair repolarization treatment
  • After the indicated time has elapsed, cover the hair plate with aluminum foil.
  • Turn on the board and set it to 180 ÂșC.
  • As soon as it is hot, divide your hair into smaller sections.
  • Straighten hair lightly. The idea is not to dehydrate it, but to “seal” it.
  • Remember, do not use the plate on a section more than three times, because the hair must remain moist.
  • When you’re done, put on your thermal helmet again and wait another 30-40 minutes.
  • Finally, rinse your hair with cold or warm water, but without using shampoo or conditioner.
  • Arrange your hair as you usually do and, to get the desired results, let it dry.

Do not hesitate to try this incredible hair repolarization treatment at home. As you have already noticed, it is easy to apply and you do not need unusual chemicals. Follow the instructions presented in this article and, in just a few minutes, you will have a revitalized and soft hair.

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