Better Alone Than With The Wrong People

If the people around you cause you suffering and worry rather than joy, it would be better to distance yourself from them. After all, he is better off alone than with the wrong people. 
Better alone than with the wrong people

We have all heard this expression: better alone than in bad company. The best decision you can make is to be alone instead of spending time with toxic people.

But sometimes it is very difficult to give up situations, relationships or people that cause you unhappiness. Why are you staying with them? The answer is simple: fear.

Better alone than unhappy

Better alone than unhappy

It is better to be alone than to live a life full of sadness and bitterness. We will help you better understand this by giving you some examples.

Imagine a situation. Cristina, 32, has been with her current partner for five years. However, for some time now their relationship has not been working as it should. The two quarrel almost every day. She is not happy, she does not love her partner as in the beginning, but she is afraid to break a relationship for so many years. Besides, what would her parents say?

As in many other relationships, Cristina focused so much on her boyfriend that she had very few friends left to rely on, which further complicates the situation.

In this case, the woman has only two options. The first would be to continue the relationship, that is, to suffer and be unhappy. The second is to end the relationship, even if he is afraid. This decision would allow him to choose a new path, certainly a better one.

Even if you sometimes feel lonely and helpless, you are also calmer, calmer and much happier. 

Sometimes we maintain toxic relationships with people who are not necessarily “bad”

Better alone than in a toxic relationship

Even if the people around us are not “bad”, the relationships we have with them can be toxic. The reasons are multiple: manipulation, lies or even abuse.

The most important thing is to ask yourself the following question: what do you gain if you let that unhappy situation continue?  Obviously, sit next to the wrong person. The problem is that you are afraid, and this feeling prevents you from making the decision to end the relationship. As you can see, fear accompanies you at all times, being fed even by the people around you.

You can have a harmful relationship with a friend, relative or life partner. The importance you attach to this connection makes it difficult to give it up.

The importance of giving up the fear of loneliness

Better alone than around the wrong people

Many people fear loneliness because of the beliefs they instill in others throughout their lives. In their view, if you have no friends or a partner, you are a loser.

Loneliness has a bad reputation. Because of this, many people refuse to enter into certain relationships, even if they are very toxic.

You need to be aware of one very important thing: you are wasting precious time. You could spend this time with yourself, trying to get to know yourself better and enjoying a state of well-being.

Why do you let other people manipulate you? Why do you try to strengthen yourself until you become exhausted by the suffering and humiliation you are subjected to?

Think about whether you want to spend the rest of your life like this, motionless, without making a decision that frees you from the fear of being alone.

Yes it is true. The fear of loneliness is acquired. Think about it: if a loved one is in the same situation, you would immediately advise them to get out of it. You would tell him clearly that this is the solution. But when it comes to you, you have a different attitude.

It is better to be alone than with the wrong people because it is better to choose happiness instead of suffering  and to keep people around you who enrich your soul, not who impoverish it.

The choice is yours, so make sure it’s wise. Your happiness matters. You don’t have time to get lost in sadness, unhappy circumstances and people who make you sick. Stop thinking. He is better alone than with the wrong people around.

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