Homemade Sugar Depilatory Wax

Among the many benefits of sugar is the fact that, being a natural product, it does not cause allergic reactions and does not irritate the skin. In addition, this ingredient makes the skin very smooth. 
Homemade sugar depilatory wax

Nowadays there are many hair removal methods that help you get rid of those annoying hairs that keep you from feeling as attractive as you would like. Depilatory waxes, creams, razors, laser hair removal, these are the most popular ways to remove unwanted hair. However, these methods are quite expensive and often irritate the skin, which is why many people prefer other options. Would you like to know how you can prepare your own sugar depilatory wax at home ?

Sugar depilatory wax

Sugar hair removal is a famous method of removing hair from the body that has gained a lot of popularity in recent years. This technique has been used since antiquity in the Middle East, and over the years it has become extremely well known throughout the world due to its effectiveness.

Sugar depilatory wax for a smooth and beautiful skin

One of the main reasons why this sugar depilatory wax has become so popular is that it uses natural ingredients, without additives, which not only removes unwanted hair, but also helps maintain healthy skin. Moreover, anyone who has used this method can say with certainty that it is less painful and cheaper than the others.

How do I make this sugar depilatory wax?

Depilatory wax with sugar easy to prepare

A sugar-based depilatory wax is prepared in a very simple way that doesn’t take too long. With this wax you can epilate your hair on your legs, in the armpits, on the eyebrows and even in the groin area, which must be taken care of very carefully, as it is very delicate.


  • 2 cups sugar
  • 3 tablespoons lemon juice
  • 3 tablespoons water

Method of preparation

The way you prepare this depilatory wax is similar to how to prepare any syrup used for a dessert; the only difference is that it doesn’t have to be as thick. Add the three ingredients in a bowl and bring to a boil over medium heat over high heat, stirring constantly. Once it has started to boil, turn the heat to low and let the mixture stand until it has a paste-like texture.

To find out if the wax is ready, take a good look at its color; it should be slightly golden and not very dark. If you boil it too much, the sugar may burn. Once you have made sure it is ready, let the pasta cool. Be careful, however, not to put it in an extremely cool place, because it can harden. When the wax acquires a sticky consistency, it is ready to be used.

How do I apply a sugar-based depilatory wax?

Sugar depilatory wax applied to the feet

Before applying the wax, it is very important to clean the area you want to epilate so that the paste sticks to the skin. You can grease your hands with a little almond oil so that the wax does not stick too hard to them. Apply the wax in the opposite direction of hair growth, press and then pull it out to remove the hair and leave it with a fine and beautiful skin.

The more often you practice sugar epilation, the better results you will get. 

What are the benefits of this homemade depilatory wax?

Although beeswax epilation is a well-known and effective method, sugar epilation offers a number of additional benefits.

  • Since the wax is applied at room temperature, you do not risk burning.
  • Sugar wax does not cause allergic reactions or irritations.
  • Its use reduces the risk of hairs growing under the skin.
  • Sugar depilatory wax is especially recommended for women who have dry skin, as it makes it very fine.
  • This product does not stick very well to the skin and can be taken very easily with water.
  • Most people have the ingredients used in its preparation at home, all of which are all very convenient.
  • Sugar depilatory wax requires the use of chemicals or compounds that irritate the skin and cause unpleasant reactions.

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