The Effects Of Daylight Saving Time On The Human Body

Switching to daylight saving time can have some effects on the human body. To prevent these negative consequences, it is advisable to expose yourself to sunlight, do not fall asleep during the day and maintain a routine of activity. Your body will adapt in about three days.
The effects of daylight saving time on the human body

There are many interesting studies on the effects of daylight saving time on the human body. But none of this is fully conclusive. The only thing that is clear is that switching to daylight saving time produces effects that vary from person to person and can be very annoying in some cases.

Changing the time has always been a hotly debated topic. The practice began in Europe during the First World War. The main argument in favor of this change was that it saved energy.

The transition to daylight saving time takes place at the end of March. The transition to winter time is made on the last Sunday of October.

Theoretically, the role of summer time is to help us make the most of sunlight and save energy. But studies suggest that the energy saved in the morning is used in the afternoon. In addition, workers become less productive as they adapt to change. Thus, the usefulness of daylight saving time has been called into question.

Essential information about daylight saving time

Woman feeling the effects of summer time

According to some studies, crops without electricity have a routine similar to those that benefit from this resource. At the same time, specialists theorize that the sleep schedule of our ancestors was similar to ours. In other words, all people have common sleep patterns. All living things, even the simplest ones, regulate most of their functions in 24-hour cycles. Light and darkness are decisive factors.

In 2011, a team of researchers at the Center for Genomic Regulation in Barcelona discovered that cells can differentiate between day and night and that this ability is essential for their proper functioning. The circadian rhythm regulates sleep and wakefulness, as well as all the functions associated with them. When this cycle is altered, there is an imbalance in the body that can lead to various problems. The human body loves routine, which helps it function better.

The main effects of summer time

Switching to daylight saving time is like switching from one time zone to another. Traveling to places with a very different time zone causes a lot of discomfort. Daylight saving time confuses the body, causing chaos. Changing activity and rest hours leads to fatigue, drowsiness and irritability.

Some people are more sensitive to daylight saving time than others. The symptoms occur because the immediate effect of this change is an alteration of melatonin secretion. Melatonin is a hormone whose activity depends on sunlight. When the body is exposed to more light, the melatonin level decreases. On the contrary, the body produces it in larger quantities in the absence of light to induce sleep. Switching to summer time disrupts the activity of melatonin, which causes the symptoms mentioned.

In most cases, the human body needs about three days to rebalance.

Other daylight saving time effects

Drawing illustrating the passing of the hours

Switching to daylight saving time affects the quantity and quality of sleep. A study published in the journal Neuroscience Letters showed that this practice makes us lose 60 minutes of rest in the first days after the change and alters the quality of sleep by 10%.

At the same time, some studies have shown a correlation between the transition to daylight saving time and the increase in the number of cases of myocardial infarction. Switching to autumn time, on the other hand, has the opposite effect. Other research indicates that in the first few days after this transition, the incidence of suicide increases, and immediately after the transition there are several accidents at work and in traffic. In addition, according to statistics, accidents on the first day of Monday after daylight saving time are more serious than usual.

However, we must mention that all the increases mentioned are minor. However, such issues are worth noting and should encourage us to adapt to daylight saving time in the healthiest way possible.

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