Benefits Of Celery Juice And Contraindications

Because celery is rich in oxalates, you should not eat it in large quantities, especially if you suffer from inflammation or other bladder conditions. Read on to discover the benefits and contraindications of celery juice!
Benefits of celery juice and contraindications

Did you include celery juice in your diet? Are you sure this is the best way to eat this vegetable? In this article, we will discuss the main benefits of celery juice, its properties and contraindications.

The main properties of celery

Celery is a plant that belongs to the Apiaceae family. Its scientific name is Apium graveolens. People have been aware since ancient times of the healing properties of this plant. In fact, historians say that Charlemagne issued an order asking people to grow certain plants and herbs in his fields, including celery.

Celery is a beneficial plant for the kidneys, as it stimulates the elimination of waste that the body does not need. Thus, it also helps to treat fluid retention and cellulite.

Celery is able to dilute uric acid that affects the joints, acting as an anti-inflammatory agent. Therefore, it is considered a suitable food in diets against rheumatism and gout.

Benefits of celery juice

1. It has a purifying action

Because it contains potassium, celery can stimulate urine production and help prevent fluid retention. Celery also helps eliminate toxins. Celery juice is ideal for this purpose, especially when consumed on an empty stomach.

2. It is a natural laxative

Celery helps relieve constipation naturally, especially when the problem occurs due to nerves or stress. Celery is rich in dietary fiber.

3. Improves digestion

Due to its mineral content, this vegetable helps neutralize gastric acid, while helping to treat ulcers and indigestion.

Woman taking advantage of the benefits of celery juice
Celery juice helps to neutralize excess gastric acid, being useful to relieve digestive discomfort.

4. Helps eliminate kidney and gallstones

Celery contains certain antispasmodic compounds, which help eliminate toxins that can contribute to the formation of kidney stones. Celery juice also helps eliminate kidney stones by increasing urine production, which facilitates the process of removing waste.

Is it okay to drink celery juice?

Many people say that celery juice is almost miraculous. In addition, actresses like Gwyneth Paltrow have published amazing stories about “its powerful healing properties.” However, is celery juice really beneficial?

It is not surprising that a product mentioned by an influential person with many followers attracts attention. After all, celery certainly has health benefits. This vegetable contains beneficial flavonoids that can reduce inflammation of the brain or alleviate memory loss related to aging. This vegetable also contains a lot of fiber, vitamin C and K and potassium. In addition, it is a snack with very few calories. A 12-centimeter strain of celery contains only three calories. A cup of chopped celery contains only 20 calories.

However, things can change when we turn celery into juice.

The juice of any vegetable is rich in sugar, carbohydrates and calories. A cup of celery juice contains 42 calories. For this reason, it is much better to eat whole celery as a snack. It is crispy, filling and not fattening. In fact, it is often recommended for people trying to lose weight.

However, if you prefer to drink celery juice, consume the pulp that remains after squeezing the stems. This pulp contains fiber, which will slow down the absorption of sugars into the blood.

Benefits of freshly squeezed celery juice
Although it provides important nutrients that induce well-being, celery juice is not a miracle drink.

What to keep in mind when it comes to celery juice

Although the consumption of celery juice can be beneficial for health, it is not a miraculous remedy. We recommend that you consume celery as part of a balanced and diversified diet.

You don’t have to believe the food trends supported by celebrities. Just because a celebrity promotes a food or drink for a reason, doesn’t mean there are scientific arguments to support its claims. No magic food or drink can completely change your health or cure a disease once and for all.

Contraindications to celery juice

In conclusion, there is no doubt that celery can improve health. However, you should not think that celery juice is a magic potion that will help you burn extra pounds like a charm.

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