Vitiligo Treatment: 8 Natural Options

Although doctors have not yet discovered a cure for vitiligo, we have several natural recipes that can reduce the appearance of stains and prevent the loss of pigment. Read on to discover 8 such remedies.
Vitiligo treatment: 8 natural options

Vitiligo is a skin disease  caused by an imbalance of the immune system, against which specialists recommend a treatment with natural products.

Because of this disease, the cells responsible for skin pigmentation are destroyed, like pathogens.

As a result, white spots appear in the pigment-free regions. In today’s article we present you some useful natural remedies for a vitiligo treatment at home.

Some essential information about vitiligo

Vitiligo can be caused by the patient's genetic inheritance

This skin disease can be triggered at any time. But most patients who have a genetic predisposition to vitiligo experience the first symptoms before the age of 20.

Vitiligo is characterized by the appearance of white or pale marks and spots on different parts of the skin. They can stretch, but they can also keep their size constant. Usually, the spots will appear on both sides of the body.

The texture of the skin is not altered, and vitiligo is not a contagious disease. Its main negative consequences are aesthetic and mental.

In almost half of the cases of vitiligo, the patient has a genetic predisposition to develop the disease. However, factors such as hormonal changes , stress and some very serious health problems can trigger vitiligo.

There are two types of vitiligo

Symmetrical vitiligo

This is the most common form, being characterized by the appearance of lesions without pigments on both sides of the body, in approximately identical regions. This type of vitiligo mainly affects:

  • Face
  • Fingers
  • Armpits
  • knees
  • pelvis

Lesions occur frequently in the regions listed above because they have “borders” between two skin types (eyelids, lips, ears, etc.).

Segmented vitiligo

Vitiligo can be classified into 2 types

This form of vitiligo is less common and occurs only on one side of the body. After the lesions appear , the disease progresses for several months (maximum six), then stabilizes. Only a small number of patients experience a recurrence or expansion of the disease later.

Natural products for a vitiligo treatment

Although there is still no cure for vitiligo, we have some natural recipes that can improve the appearance of spots and even prevent the loss of pigments. Some foods useful that can be part of a treatment to combat vitiligo include:


Cucumber is rich in vitamins B and C and is famous for its skin moisturizing properties . This is why cucumber is often included in commercial cosmetic treatments.

Among other things, cucumber facilitates the whitening of the dermis, reduces the presence of wrinkles, softens sensitive skin and balances oily skin. This food is also useful if you suffer from psoriasis or vitiligo.

The basil

You can relieve the symptoms caused by vitiligo with various plants

Basil can be used in a treatment against vitiligo because it gradually removes blemishes from the skin. The leaves of this plant stimulate the production of melanin and promote the balance of natural pigmentation.

To get the most out of the benefits of basil, it is advisable to combine it with a little lemon juice. But it is possible that the desired results appear only a few months after the incorporation of basil in the diet.


Due to its properties and the nutrients in its composition, kiwi is an excellent food for a vitiligo treatment. To reap its benefits, incorporate it into your daily diet.

You can serve kiwi for breakfast, as a mid-morning snack or as a dessert after lunch or dinner. Being very delicious, you can include kiwi in various smoothies along with other fruits.

Kiwi amplifies the body’s natural defenses and strengthens the immune system. In other words, this fruit prevents the immune system from attacking pigment- producing cells .


You can fight vitiligo with a handful of strawberries

Because vitiligo is caused by a weakened immune system, it is important to eat foods that strengthen the body’s natural defenses. Strawberries are very useful for this purpose.

This small and delicious fruit is rich in vitamins, including vitamin C, which is known for its antiviral and antibacterial properties. For this reason, we advise you to eat strawberries several times a week.


This legume is rich in amino acids and vitamins that stop the destruction of the cells responsible for pigmentation. Chickpeas also stimulate melanin production. You can include it in various dishes, including hummus, soups or stews.

Black pepper

And black pepper is useful to combat vitiligo

Black pepper is beneficial for both internal and external health. In addition to using it to season various dishes, we advise you to apply black pepper on the skin affected by vitiligo. Here is a useful recipe:


  • 1 knife tip ground black pepper
  • 1 teaspoon (5 g) of extra virgin olive oil


  • Put the black pepper in a bowl and pour the olive oil over it.
  • Stir until you get a paste. Apply the paste on the parts of the skin covered with white spots.
  • Leave the remedy on for an hour and a half, then rinse with warm water.
  • Apply this remedy at least twice a day for a month.


This delicious tropical fruit is great for treating various skin problems, including psoriasis and vitiligo. To reap its benefits, cut a piece of papaya and rub the affected regions with the inside of the fruit.

Apply this remedy every night before bed, without rinsing with water. You can also drink papaya juice or include this fruit in smoothies to speed up the healing process.

Red clay

You can buy red clay from any plafar or you can buy it directly from the riverbeds of certain rivers. This ingredient is rich in copper, which restores the pigmentation of the skin parts covered with white spots.


  • 1 tablespoon (15 g) of red clay
  • 1 tablespoon (10 g) grated ginger


  • Put the red clay in a bowl and mix it with the grated ginger.
  • Apply the remedy obtained on the affected region at least once a day.
  • Leave the remedy on for two hours, then rinse with water.
  • Apply the remedy every day for a month.

Do not hesitate to try the natural remedies presented in this article!

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