9 Hormonal Imbalances Affecting Physical Appearance

Although we do not suspect the connection, certain physical changes, such as the appearance of bags under the eyes or sudden weight loss, can be caused by hormonal imbalances.
9 hormonal imbalances that affect physical appearance

You may suffer from certain hormonal imbalances that affect your physical appearance without you realizing it. After all, this problem can be triggered much easier than we suspect.

Hormone balance is very fragile. Their level may become unbalanced due to changes in the environment or inside the body.

Hormonal imbalances can also signal the malfunction of certain organs. In this situation, only a doctor can identify the exact problem.

In today’s article we present the main hormonal imbalances that affect the physical appearance.

1. Acne

Acne caused by hormonal imbalances that affect physical appearance

If you suffer from acne even though you keep your skin clean enough, a hormonal imbalance could be at the root of the problem.

The appearance of spots on the skin is a frequent consequence of insufficient care of this organ, but also an unhealthy diet or menstrual cycle can cause it. It is often a simple hormonal problem.

2. Weight gain

Sudden weight gain usually falls into the category of physical symptoms of hormonal imbalances. We must remember that, although some people can lose weight very easily, others fail to burn extra pounds even if they follow special cures or exercise.

The cause could be hormones. If you suffer from a hormonal imbalance, in addition to gaining weight, you may not even be able to gain weight when you want to.

3. Exaggerated fatigue

Hormonal imbalances that affect physical appearance and cause fatigue

If you notice that you feel more and more tired, you may suffer from a hormonal imbalance. This factor is one of the main causes of restless sleep. Even people who sleep uninterruptedly for 8 consecutive hours may look tired.

Progesterone is often to blame. If you always feel very tired, you can check the level of this hormone through medical tests.

4. Excessive sweating

And excessive sweating is one of the possible physical symptoms of hormonal imbalances. But you have to remember that this signal is not always associated with hormones. That being said, check their level, especially if sweating is accompanied by a feeling of warmth.

5. The bags under the eyes

Skin affected by hormonal imbalances that affect physical appearance

If you notice that you have bags under your eyes (so visible that not even the foundation can hide them), you may suffer from a hormonal imbalance. Most likely, the quality of your sleep will be altered.

  • Keep in mind that chronic insomnia can be the consequence of a testosterone deficiency in men or progesterone deficiency in women.

6. Depression

Depression is another possible symptom of hormonal imbalances. It can be triggered in women during menstruation, pregnancy or menopause. People overwhelmed with sadness and apathy should consider a hormonal imbalance.

7. Breast changes

Breasts influenced by hormonal imbalances that affect physical appearance

Any changes that occur in the breasts can be caused by a hormonal imbalance and are a reason to go to the doctor. The density of the soft tissues of the breasts can be reduced when there is a low level of estrogen.

But estrogen can cause other problems. If its level is too high, the breasts may develop nodules. Do not hesitate to consult a doctor if you notice such symptoms.

8. Hair loss can be caused by hormonal imbalances that affect physical appearance

Hair loss can be caused by a hormonal imbalance. If even the best shampoos on the market do not help you reduce the amount of hair lost, it may be a hormonal problem. Do not rule out this possibility.

9. Excess body hair

Hormonal imbalances that affect physical appearance and body hair

Excessive hair growth on the body can be caused by hormones. The presence of dark hair on the chest, back of the hands or other unusual regions in women could indicate the presence of a severe hormonal imbalance. Take care of yourself!

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