10 Foods That Melt Fat

Did you know that oats are one of the healthiest and most complete foods? It gives a feeling of satiety, improves digestion and speeds up metabolism.
10 foods that melt fats

The best way to lose weight and burn fat is through a healthy diet and exercise program. Below we offer you a list of foods that melt fats naturally and that it is good to include in your diet in order to lose unwanted pounds.

We all know that it is not easy to burn fat and lose weight, but it is not impossible. Whether you are interested in a harmonious figure, better health or both, weight loss is a difficult task that requires a lot of effort and dedication.

You should not be fooled by those “miracle” products or diets that promise you a rapid weight loss. It is true that such products can be useful as dietary supplements, but by some alone they never work. In addition, some of these products or strict diets may have side effects, which is why they are not recommended.

Foods that melt fats – green tea

Green tea is one of those foods that melts fats

Green tea has become very popular in recent years, as studies have shown that it has properties that help control body weight, even in the case of a high-fat diet.

Researchers at the University of Pennsylvania have found that green tea reduces the body’s ability to absorb fat and speeds up metabolism, which is essential for burning fat.


Watermelon, whether red or yellow, contains a lot of water, being extremely useful in diets. This food is full and rich in antioxidants and nutrients that stimulate fat burning. Frequent consumption of watermelon helps you burn especially the fat in the abdominal area. 

Foods that melt fats – apples

Apples are foods that melt fats

Apples contain a component called pectin that helps detoxify the body and prevents the rise of bad cholesterol. These fruits are ideal for weight loss, as they are rich in vitamin C, beta-carotene, phytosterols, fiber, flavonoids, antioxidants, vitamins and minerals.


Grapes and raisins are detoxifying foods that help balance cholesterol levels due to their rich content of potassium and vitamin B. To burn body fat, follow a grape cure. 

Foods that melt fats – tomatoes

Tomatoes are foods that melt fats

Tomatoes are among the lowest calorie vegetables: a tomato has only 33 calories. This food is ideal for weight loss because it is rich in antioxidants, vitamins and minerals that detoxify the body, activate metabolism and stimulate fat burning.

Raw vegetables

Raw vegetables, especially those with green leaves, have a high water content and are low in calories. You can include them in salads or smoothies. We recommend eating spinach, carrots, tomatoes, leeks, lettuce, celery and eggplant.

Foods that melt fats – eggs

Eggs are foods that melt fats

Although eggs do not have fat-burning properties, they are still recommended foods in a diet aimed at healthy weight loss.

Eating 2 eggs a day helps you lose weight, especially if you eat them for breakfast. They are satiating, contain protein and give you energy, helping you to endure the diet more easily.


Oats are one of the healthiest foods. It is rich in complex carbohydrates, fiber and protein, being a cereal with a low glycemic index. It also contains unsaturated fats and micronutrients that give you energy. Oatmeal is satiating, improves digestion and speeds up metabolism.


Soups are foods that melt fats

A good vegetable soup can be a reliable ally in diets. Unlike other dishes, vegetable soup has few calories, satisfies your appetite and provides you with all the benefits of vegetables in its composition. You can also eat chicken, oatmeal or rice soups.


Fish is one of the best sources of protein and healthy fats. Most fish species contain lean meat, being a considerable source of omega 3 fatty acids . We recommend that you eat especially turbot, hake, fresh cod, squid, swordfish and herring.

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