Description And Characteristics Of Podiatry

Podiatry is a little known treatment for preventing and treating foot abnormalities. Believe it or not, people rarely take foot ailments seriously because they do not have serious consequences.
Description and characteristics of podiatry

The word “podiatry” is still unknown to a large number of people, especially the younger generations. It refers to a set of procedures for treating and ameliorating certain foot problems. Its purpose is mainly holistic, although it certainly improves the appearance of the legs. What are the characteristics of podiatry?

Podiatry is a way to keep our feet healthy. It is not uncommon for people to pay little attention to the feet, even if they are essential for the transport of the human body. Isn’t it weird that people don’t consider foot problems important?

Neglecting your feet is a mistake. Currently, podiatrists believe that people should visit them at least once a year. Keeping your feet in good shape increases your quality of life. Podiatry can do just that.

What is podiatry?

This is a foot treatment needed to correct any changes, such as nail problems, calluses and other abnormalities. It also helps prevent discomfort caused by using improper footwear.

The main objective of podiatry is to avoid pain in the legs and avoid aggravation of small injuries, which can lead to serious problems. This procedure also allows the detection of diseases such as foot fungus or papillomas, among others.

Podiatry procedures include proper nail trimming and delamination of hyperkeratosis – removal of hard tissues, such as calluses or helomas, and hydration of the foot.

Specialist who knows the characteristics of podiatry

Characteristics of podiatry: types of interventions

Adults are the ones who most often need a podiatrist, but age is not an impediment. It is rare for a child to need a podiatrist. Professionals advise us to go to the podiatrist once a year to check the condition of the feet.

Podiatry has a curative purpose, but also a preventive one. So, you do not have to suffer from foot ailments to go to the podiatrist. In fact, some changes may go unnoticed and it is better to treat them in time.

Any change in the foot, such as bruises, calluses, deformed nails or pain, can lead to more serious problems. Also, some systemic diseases, such as diabetes, require special care of the feet.

Man receiving a foot massage
Podiatry protects two very important parts of the body: the feet.

Some people confuse podiatry with pedicure, but these are two different procedures. The first is a medical treatment performed by a podiatrist or a specialized professional. Pedicure is just a cosmetic procedure. The latter is only a superficial intervention.

Medical treatment addresses problems with aesthetic consequences and also allows the detection of other conditions that could cause major problems or change gait. There are abnormalities, such as diabetic foot, plantar fasciitis, tendonitis and bent toes, which only a doctor can detect.

Podiatry is a procedure that takes about half an hour. Recovery is fast and effectiveness almost immediate – about two days. Professionals suggest that we go to the podiatrist at least once a year.

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