Varicose Vein Remedy With 3 Ingredients

The anti-inflammatory and vasodilating properties of the ingredients needed to prepare the next natural remedy can help you reduce the appearance of varicose veins and improve blood circulation to the legs.
Varicose vein remedy with 3 ingredients

Varicose veins are one of the most common problems in adult women. These imperfections occur when the veins dilate and prevent the blood from returning to the heart. Read on to discover a simple and effective remedy for varicose veins.

A normal vein uses a valve to carry blood from the extremities to the heart muscle. Varicose veins appear when these valves “fail”.

Varicose veins can be the result of many unhealthy habits, including sedentary lifestyle or tobacco use. Other causes can be genetic inheritance, pregnancy and hormonal imbalances.

Initially, the problem may not seem very serious, manifesting itself in the form of the famous spider web veins. But gradually it can progress, the veins becoming inflamed and sometimes painful.

Finding a suitable treatment for varicose veins is the goal of many patients because, in addition to being unsightly, these inflamed veins can cause pain.

The good news is that nowadays we have many remedies to reduce the appearance of varicose veins, and many of them are relatively inexpensive. With just a few natural ingredients, you can prepare various simple and effective treatments.

In today’s article we invite you to discover an easy and cheap remedy for varicose veins. All you need are three ingredients: aloe vera, carrots and apple cider vinegar.  Here’s what this is about!

How does this remedy for varicose veins work?

Remedy for varicose veins applied to the affected areas of the feet

The combination of aloe vera, carrots and apple cider vinegar can reduce inflammation and prevent varicose veins. You can apply this treatment directly on the skin every day, so as to stimulate blood circulation and relieve the pain experienced.

Aloe vera gel is one of the key ingredients of this treatment, being famous in the cosmetics industry thanks to its nourishing and moisturizing properties. This substance also has anti-inflammatory and vasodilating properties, being useful to shrink inflamed veins and stimulate blood circulation.

Moreover, aloe vera gel is rich in antioxidants and water. For this reason, it is easy to apply and does not adversely affect the skin.

Carrots are a good remedy for varicose veins

Carrots are an excellent source of beta-carotene, an antioxidant that prevents premature aging and discoloration of the skin. The content of vitamin B, minerals and fiber in carrots makes it one of the healthiest vegetables we can include in our daily diet.

If we process a carrot with the help of a food processor, we obtain a fine paste that we can use as a body lotion, so as to take advantage of the benefits of this ingredient.

Many of the active compounds in carrots are included in treatments for skin firmness, as they can improve the elasticity of this organ and prevent it from sagging. Carrots can be easily combined with other treatments for varicose veins, as they stimulate blood circulation and reduce inflammation.

Last but not least, we have apple cider vinegar, whose beneficial properties are already famous. This nourishing and invigorating drink contains very useful anti-inflammatory substances to treat varicose veins. Applied directly to the skin, apple cider vinegar reduces inflamed veins and relieves the feeling of pressure and weight.

How to prepare this remedy for varicose veins?

Remedy for varicose veins from only three ingredients

By combining the three ingredients presented above, you will get an easy-to-prepare remedy. But before you apply it, keep in mind that the next remedy for varicose veins will not work on its own.

Although consistent application of the remedy will improve your blood circulation to your legs and reduce the appearance of varicose veins, you must support this treatment with a healthy diet and exercise program.


  • 1 large carrot
  • 2 aloe vera leaves
  • 3 tablespoons (30 ml) apple cider vinegar

Method of preparation

  • Peel a squash, grate it and boil it in a little water until soft.
  • Pass it with a fork until you get a paste.
  • Cut the aloe vera leaves with a knife and extract the gel from inside them.
  • Mix the aloe vera gel with the carrot puree and add the apple cider vinegar.
  • Apply the remedy on varicose veins.

Way of ussage

  • Exfoliate your feet before applying the treatment to make sure that the remedy will be properly absorbed.
  • Spread the cream on the region affected by varicose veins with gentle massage movements, starting from the ankles to the legs.
  • Leave the remedy on for 30-40 minutes, then rinse with cold water.
  • Apply the remedy every day, following the same steps.

As you can see, you don’t have to spend a lot of money on commercial treatments to treat varicose veins. If you follow the tips presented in this article and apply the above remedy regularly, you will get amazing results in a very short time.

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