7 Common Causes Of Flatulence

It is uncomfortable, embarrassing and… could be the consequence of certain very common harmful habits. Read on to find out the causes of flatulence and what you need to do to treat it.
7 common causes of flatulence

Flatulence (excessive accumulation of intestinal gas) is a common problem  and, for many people, inevitable. Here are some common causes of flatulence!

Intestinal gases are produced by bacteria in the intestines, but internal imbalances and reactions to external agents can cause excess accumulation.

Although not a serious health problem, flatulence sometimes occurs so often that the affected person feels embarrassed. After all, accumulated gases can have a very unpleasant odor.

For this reason, it is essential to know what are the factors that cause excessive accumulation of intestinal gas and what you can do to combat it. In today’s article we invite you to discover seven common causes of flatulence and the steps needed to avoid it.

Common causes of flatulence

1. An imbalance of the bacterial flora

The intestinal flora may have certain imbalances

Excessive accumulation of intestinal gas can be the consequence of an imbalance in the bacteria that protect the intestines. This problem often occurs in people who suffer from a digestive disorder, such as gastroenteritis or an infection.

Because the pH of the stomach is subject to rapid changes, certain cultures of bacteria can flourish, increasing the production of intestinal gas. In these cases, it is advisable to increase your intake of probiotic or prebiotic foods. These will repopulate your intestinal flora.

2. Fermentation of food in the intestines

Various bacteria in the digestive tract contribute to the fermentation of food, facilitating its decomposition during digestion. Usually, this activity takes place in the large intestine. Sometimes, however, bacteria can enter the small intestine, generating early fermentation.

As the food is not completely digested, the production of intestinal gas will increase until it is released. This factor can cause bloating, pain and other symptoms that diminish the quality of life.

3. Eating too fast

Common causes of flatulence such as fast food

People who set aside just a few minutes to serve lunch tend to suffer from flatulence on a regular basis. When you eat fast, food is ingested along with large amounts of air. As a result, the amount of gas produced increases, causing belching and flatulence.

4. Excessive consumption of dairy products

Although some people can easily digest dairy products, they could be affected over time by various problems. Age and regular exposure to certain factors can reduce lactase levels. As you well know, this enzyme is responsible for digesting dairy products.

If you have unpleasant symptoms when serving this type of food, you may suffer from lactose intolerance. In this situation, the only solution available is to avoid dairy consumption. Opt for lactose-free foods.

5. Hormonal changes

Hormonal disorders are common causes of flatulence

In addition to hormone-related diseases, the hormonal changes that women experience during menopause are common causes of flatulence. Although the researchers were unable to determine which hormones trigger this reaction, the affected women notice obvious changes in digestive activity.

To control the symptoms of hormonal changes and reduce their frequency, exercise more and drink enough water.

6. Gluten sensitivity

Other common causes of flatulence are food intolerances and other associated disorders, such as celiac disease.

Autoimmune disorders of this type can affect the absorption of nutrients, causing small ruptures in the lining of the small intestine. These ruptures trigger abdominal inflammation, pain and other symptoms that impede proper digestion.

Thus, it is essential to identify these health problems in time, especially because the treatment involves changing the diet.

7. Accumulation of waste

Constipation on the list of common causes of flatulence

Constipation, ie the accumulation of waste in the intestines, is on the list of common causes of flatulence and other digestive problems. When they remain in the colon, the waste alters the bacterial flora and the body produces more intestinal gas than usual.

Moreover, in this situation, the intestines encounter difficulties in absorbing nutrients and eliminating waste that the body does not need. If you suffer from constipation, it is advisable to increase your intake of water, fiber and other foods with digestive properties.

Remember, the most effective way to fight constipation is to improve your eating habits. This means reducing the consumption of foods that stimulate the production of intestinal gas.

To combat flatulence, apply the tips in this article and, if you find it necessary, consult a doctor.

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