Feng Shui Rules For A Harmonious Home

If you make a few changes in Feng Shui style in your home, it will become a more pleasant and comfortable space, charged with positive energy. 
Feng Shui rules for a harmonious home

You have probably already heard the concept of Feng Shui rules and how this style can improve the balance in your home. 

Certain Feng Shui rules are difficult to apply in some old apartments or houses. But others can be put into practice quite easily, and the benefits are major.

Find out how the Feng Shui style can help you make your home more harmonious, more pleasant and more welcoming with the help of simple but practical changes.

What is Feng Shui?

Feng Shui is an ancient Chinese method of organizing a certain space (home, office, etc.) according to ancestral teachings to provide harmony and balance to people living in that environment.

To approach the Feng Shui style, you need to consider the following elements:

  • Arranging the furniture
  • The light
  • airing
  • The color of the walls
  • Mirrors and decorative elements
  • Other factors more difficult to change, such as the location of the building.

Below we present some basic Feng Shui rules for harmonizing the space in which you live according to Feng Shui principles. You will feel the benefits of your well-being and health. 

Front door

The main door of the house is very important, because it “greets” you every day, both you and your guests.

The front door must be large, sturdy and light in color and be able to be opened wide so as not to impede access in any way to the first room of the dwelling.

According to the main Feng Shui rules, the front door plays an important role

Light is energy

For a warm and pleasant atmosphere, the house should be well lit, whether the light is natural or artificial. If possible, always opt for natural light and large windows. If this is not possible, use lamps, candles or other lighting items.

On the other hand, you should avoid any kind of light at night in the bedroom, because it can disturb your sleep, no matter how weak.


Bathrooms must always be positioned in a discreet place. In other words, it must not be seen from the entrance hall, from the kitchen or from the living room.

Take a good look at where the bathroom doors are and what is the angle from which they open. If necessary, use room dividers or curtains to hide them if they are visible from the living room.

At the same time, according to the same Feng Shui principles, the lid of the toilet bowl must always be closed. It is not a problem related only to the aesthetic aspect, but also to the flow of energy in the bathroom, which seems to be able to cause financial losses.

According to the main rules of Feng Shui, the bathroom should be in a discreet place

The kitchen: a symbol of abundance

The kitchen is an important space in the home, as it symbolizes the wealth and abundance of the family. 

Transforming food with water and fire is an alchemical process essential for good health. Therefore, the stove must be far or separate from the sink to impose a proper distance between these two opposing forces.

In addition, avoid a room arrangement that keeps the cook cooking with his back to the kitchen door. 

At the same time, keep wooden objects, fruits and fresh flowers in the kitchen for extra life and color.

A harmonious dream

The bedroom is the room for intimacy and rest and this should be his only role.  It is not advisable to use this space to work, as you may disturb its balance.

According to some Feng Shui rules, here are the things you need to consider in order to have a healthy bedroom:

  • Choose natural textiles, in light and pastel colors. You can also opt for brighter colors, such as red, but in limited proportions.
  • Another important aspect in terms of the bedroom is the positioning of the bed. The headboard should face north or east. 
  • Do not keep mirrors that reflect the bed.
  • Although it is easy for you to store certain things under the bed or on the head of the bed, avoid this habit, as it can disturb your sleep during the night.

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