A Tablespoon Of Honey Before Bed Will Help You Sleep Better?

By increasing the level of insulin in the blood, honey stimulates the brain to produce tryptophan, which is converted to serotonin and which promotes restful sleep.
A tablespoon of honey before bed will help you sleep better?

Honey is a very common food. It is present in many homes around the world. Throughout history, it has often been used as a remedy for various problems. For this reason, it has been the subject of many studies. Does a tablespoon of honey before bed promote restful sleep?

Because it has been found to have various medicinal properties, it has become one of the most accepted foods as an adjunct, mainly for respiratory health problems such as coughing.

A tablespoon of honey before bed will help you sleep better?

In recent years, some research has been conducted linking honey consumption to better sleep quality, especially when sleep difficulties are associated with other diseases. It is important to clarify that it is not a miraculous remedy for sleep or fighting insomnia.

In fact, it should not be considered a first-line treatment for sleep disorders and in some cases may not be effective. Therefore, it is not a substitute for medical treatments.

Research on the consumption of honey for sleep

Jar of acacia honey


Various scientific studies, such as the one published in Current Signal Transduction Therapy , suggest that the intake of certain foods may induce sleep due to their tryptophan content and their ability to stimulate serotonin.

Tryptophan is an essential amino acid that is involved in sleep quality. In turn, serotonin leads to relaxation and helps to “notify” the brain about the optimal time for sleep. But what does all this have to do with honey?

Well, organic honey is one of the foods with these characteristics. In fact, its sugars slightly increase insulin, allowing tryptophan to enter the brain. It stimulates serotonergic activity and later melatonin production.

Melatonin helps us regulate the body’s internal clock and sleep-wake cycles. People with insomnia or those who experience anxiety after quitting smoking need higher amounts of melatonin. Honey can be very useful.

It seems that this could explain why honey improves sleep quality. Even in a study published in the medical journal Pediatrics , honey served as an adjunct to improving sleep in children with night coughs.

Honey before bed: how is it consumed?

Woman drinking honey before bed


It is clear that honey is not a definitive treatment for insomnia. However, consuming it in small amounts – with a healthy lifestyle and a proper sleep ritual – can contribute to better rest.

Honey should be organic, preferably directly from a beekeeper. The reason? Many of the assortments we buy in supermarkets are highly treated and processed, losing many of their original properties. They also tend to have a high amount of added sugar.

According to popular wisdom, we must take this remedy every night (a tablespoon). We can even dilute it in a relaxing tea or milk.

Consult your doctor if insomnia persists

Sleep problems should not be ignored, but should be addressed as soon as possible. Although they seem normal at first, over time, they can lead to serious health problems. Therefore, do not miss the opportunity to go to a doctor!

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