A Mother Confesses Online: “I’m Not A Slave!”

Despite domestic obligations, women can and should set aside time for the things they enjoy. They must ignore the words of others and focus on their own happiness.
A mother confesses online: "I'm not a slave!"

One mother confesses, “Just because I’m a mother doesn’t mean I’m a slave who only has to do housework.” This statement recently went viral on the internet, after a 32-year-old Australian posted a very interesting letter on her Facebook profile.

Constance Hall is a young woman very active on social networks. She has her own blog where she discusses the challenges of maintaining an active lifestyle despite the fact that she has to raise her children. Constance emphasizes the importance of maintaining social ties and her own interests and passions.

A few weeks ago, Constance published a letter that turned out to be more than just an opinion. This post is a real manifesto, an appeal to women urging them to claim their place in society. An urge to continue to cultivate personal growth, integrating parental responsibilities into this process.

In today’s article we invite you to reflect on this topic.

A mother reveals herself: I am a mother, I am a woman: Constance Hall’s letter

Constance Hall is the kind of mother who is not afraid to take her children almost anywhere she goes. Holding them in her arms, this woman spends many hours on the beach, playing games with other children or shopping.

Constance did not want to sacrifice anything when she chose to become a mother. To this end, she had to set some firm priorities in life regarding herself and her children.

She was fed up with the fact that many of her friends called themselves “housewives,” but not “mothers.” They became depressed or helpless when they felt alone. Constance decided to publish the following very interesting lines about what it means to be a mother:

A mother reveals herself: I am not a slave

A mother reveals herself online:

I am writing this letter for the women in the park, you who are looking at the phone without paying too much attention to your children.

Yes, I am addressing you. Instead of being absorbed in smartphones, you should connect with the world around you and your little ones, not with those groups of moms who only communicate with each other through social networks.

Remember, the opinion of this “small group of mothers” does not matter. Get up from the bench and play with your little ones.

The woman with a pile of dirty dishes in the sink still has the right to go out the door with the little ones and go for coffee with her friends.

I am addressing you. Being a good mother, an ideal wife or a decent human being does not mean spending an eternity cleaning. If you become obsessed with these things, your girlfriends will start living their lives without you.

A woman who was prescribed antidepressants after giving birth, and I am addressing you. You may find it hard to believe, but you will struggle with depression even after your children have grown up. Don’t confuse depression with giving up. You are still the leader of your own life and you can overcome any obstacle.

This is the most wonderful time of your life, so you should enjoy it as much as you can.

Sometimes we confuse strength with weakness, but don’t forget that you are much stronger than you think. You are not weak if you ask for someone’s help. It’s worth doing!

Keep in mind that many women go through the same experiences as you.  They just don’t talk openly about it.

Now I was addressing that woman who failed to regain the weight she had before pregnancy. Don’t worry, this aspect is not important. Being a mom is like a job that requires constant attention, even if you don’t get paid.

A mother reveals herself: the importance of setting your priorities

A mother reveals her priorities in life

Each of us will either be found in Constance’s letter, where a sincere mother reveals herself. Many women can manage to clean their house, then wash the plates and put them back, after which they have all the time in the world for their children. But the ideas presented by Constance touch on several aspects:

  • Being a mother does not mean giving up the life, dreams, friendships or career you had before.
  • We realize that our daily lives will not be the same. We will face challenges and complications and that, at some point, we will lose hope. But to learn how to be a mother and live assuming this role means to be really strong and flexible, to fight for what you love every day.
  • It is essential to set priorities: don’t forget, if you are not happy, you will not be able to help your children to be happy either.

If you start to lose hope in the end, do not hesitate to leave the house hand in hand with your little ones. Enjoy the sun, talk to other moms, surround yourself with people. These will no doubt help you to remember the joys of a child’s life and upbringing.

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