Irritable Bowel Syndrome – 4 Tricks To Treat It

To relieve the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome, increase your intake of soluble fiber and water. Another beneficial habit is to serve several small meals throughout the day, instead of 3 large meals.
Irritable bowel syndrome - 4 tricks to treat it

Irritable bowel syndrome is a very common problem nowadays. The pain caused by this disorder can be so intense that those affected are forced to be hospitalized.

Harmful eating habits so prevalent nowadays significantly aggravate irritable bowel syndrome. If you also suffer from this problem, it’s time to give up fast food. Follow the tips below, and irritable bowel syndrome won’t bother you for long.

1. Increase your intake of soluble fiber

Irritable bowel syndrome and fiber intake

Soluble fiber helps the intestines because it strengthens the lining lining them. At the same time, they stimulate the elimination of potentially harmful substances and regulate intestinal movements, keeping constipation at bay.

Due to all these beneficial effects, it is essential to supply your body with soluble fiber to prevent irritable bowel syndrome. Pay close attention to the foods that contain them.

If you do not eat well and have an excessive intake of insoluble fiber, the symptoms caused by irritable bowel syndrome may worsen. Insoluble fiber can cause flatulence, diarrhea and abdominal pain.

Foods high in soluble fiber include:

  • Cereals (barley, oats)
  • seeds
  • Fruits (oranges, mangoes, plums)
  • Green leafy vegetables
  • tubers

If you are not used to eating these foods, gradually include them in your daily diet until you get used to their taste.

2. Measure your portions

Irritable bowel syndrome and portions of food

Many people eat until they feel completely full, regardless of the fact that they may have overeat. This harmful habit is learned from childhood, when our parents force us to empty the plates. But it is not good to eat in this way.

The purpose of food is to supply our body with the nutrients it needs to function optimally. The benefits obtained are not directly proportional to the amount of food consumed.

In fact, if we eat until we feel we can’t, our digestive system is forced to work excessively. As a result, the colon is overworked, tired and irritable bowel syndrome is triggered.

So, to alleviate the symptoms of this disorder, reduce your portions if you feel like eating too much. A useful trick is to start by reducing your portions by 10%. In this way, you will gradually get used to eating only as much as is really necessary.

If you have difficulty reducing your food intake or feel weak and lacking in energy, consult a nutritionist. It will help you establish a proper diet plan that will not adversely affect your colon.

3. Drink natural infusions

Mint and angelica tea are two infusions that will be very helpful if you suffer from irritable bowel syndrome. Angelica has antispasmodic properties, thanks to which it can relieve spasms that make your day unbearable.

Mint is famous for its digestive properties. This plant can significantly relieve muscle pain and abdominal cramps. In addition, mint stimulates the elimination of intestinal gas and facilitates digestion.

Serve any of these drinks after dinner.

4. Other useful tips to combat irritable bowel syndrome

Tips for irritable bowel syndrome

Relieving the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome seems to be a challenge. Maybe the tips above overwhelmed you. Indeed, it is not easy to cook when you have to take into account so many restrictions.

However, the secret of success lies in the details. Maybe all you need to do is change your lifestyle a little. Here are some tips to help you take better care of your colon:

  • Chew food well and give your body enough time to digest food.
  • Do not go to bed immediately after eating. This habit slows down digestion.
  • Reduce your intake of spices and fatty foods. Instead, opt for natural spices and boil or bake the dishes with just a little oil.
  • Do not drink more than one cup of coffee a day. If you need extra energy, drink green tea to take advantage of its antioxidant content.
  • Instead of three hearty, high-calorie meals, serve several small meals throughout the day.
  • It is best to serve 3 consistent and balanced meals (breakfast, lunch and dinner) and two light snacks that will give you energy, but not extra calories.
  • Reduce your grain intake. Although they are very nutritious, they stimulate the production of intestinal gas.

Follow the tips presented in this article and your colon will always be healthy. Take the necessary precautions now and you will avoid serious problems in the future. Do not ignore this aspect because your body will suffer.

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