What Should You Eat Before Running?

Preparing for running is important, not only in terms of warm-up, but also in terms of nutrition. Performance in any activity depends a lot on eating habits.
What should you eat before running?

One of the most important questions that athletes should ask themselves is what to eat before running. Undoubtedly, it is a logical question, because, depending on your food choices, your performance may be better or worse.

In practice, eating before, during and after training is as important as the sport itself and has a decisive impact on performance.

What should you eat before running?

1. Granola bars

Sticks to eat before running
Granola bars are light and include nutritious and filling ingredients.

The purpose of the pre-workout meal is to provide the body with the fuel it needs for optimal energy and maximum performance. It is important to make sure that the food is light.

For this reason, granola bars are an excellent option because they quickly provide the glucose the body needs. They are a quick and easy meal that gives you the energy you need for training.

Another excellent option that we recommend is a natural protein, which is found in foods such as chicken or tuna. Of course, since we are talking about a meal before training, you should eat small portions to avoid running on a full stomach.

This type of natural protein is very healthy and provides all the energy you need for maximum sports performance. It also helps you feel full.

One or two slices of whole wheat bread, along with a piece of turkey meat soothes your appetite and gives you the energy you need for a good run.

In this case, turkey meat is a quality natural protein, while wholemeal bread contains slowly absorbed carbohydrates, which is perfect before running.

4. Nuts

Types of nuts
Full of essential fatty acids and minerals, nuts are a quick and nutritious snack before you train.

5. Balanced breakfast

If you have a little more time, you can prepare a full breakfast a few hours before training. It is important to choose the right foods.

In this case, a complete, balanced and recommended breakfast can consist of boiled eggs, fresh fruit rich in vitamin C, skim milk and a small portion of nuts, for example.

Low-calorie cheese, especially white cheese, is ideal before going for a run. It is enough to eat two or three slices, either as such or with wholemeal bread for a fuller meal.

You can also combine a slice of low-calorie cheese with a piece of turkey meat. It is a fast, healthy and perfect thing before any type of training.

7. Smoothies

Girl who knows what to eat before running
In addition to the benefits of the foods in their composition, smoothies are light on the stomach, which makes them full and complete.

Smoothies, especially protein shakes, offer many benefits to the body before exercise. This excellent option is fast and healthy. You can opt for natural shakes or powder.

If you choose natural smoothies, you can make a smoothie with skim milk and a very ripe banana. You can mix healthy protein powders with water or milk.

General recommendations for eating before running

Person who walks
Before running, plan your meal time so that you have enough energy for your workout.

It is essential to eat at least one hour to 30 minutes before starting training. If it is an even heavier meal, we recommend that you eat two hours in advance.

It is important to digest food before you start running, because your energy level depends on this process!

Gone are the myths that you should run or practice any other sport on an empty stomach. This myth was used especially by people who wanted to lose weight faster. In reality, you need to eat before your workout so that your body has enough fuel to turn it into energy. What is really important is the type of food you eat.

Given the concern about what to eat before running, you should choose healthy and light foods that provide a lot of energy. Your performance will depend on this aspect.

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