9 Foods That Help You Sleep Better

Do you find it hard to fall asleep? There are many more people in the same situation as you. Find out the 9 foods that help you sleep better. 
9 foods that help you sleep better

Do you never sleep well? Do you struggle to fall asleep and sometimes have to resort to sleeping pills (which have many side effects)?  If the answer is yes, find out that there are many more people in the same situation. That’s why today we present a list of foods that can help you sleep better.

Sleeping well is not only important to feel rested. A good sleep helps you to be more lively, to give more yield, and in children it stimulates growth.

The ideal sleep schedule would be: 9-11 hours for children, 8-10 hours for teenagers, 7-9 hours for adults and 7-8 hours for the elderly. 

Millions of people have trouble sleeping. However, many of them forget that their daily habits and diet considerably influence their sleep.

To sleep better, we recommend that you include the following foods in your diet. Remember that you must serve dinner two hours before bedtime to give your body a break from digesting food.

1. Almonds help you sleep better

Almonds are very helpful if you want to enjoy a better sleep. They contain tryptophan and magnesium, which contribute to the secretion of sleep hormone.

Almonds are also rich in healthy fats that speed up metabolism during sleep. 

  • We recommend that you eat these fruits raw, but if you want to give them a better taste, you can fry them (without oil).
  • Another option would be to include them in an unsweetened smoothie with bananas or strawberries.
  • However, do not forget that both almonds and other fruits have a fairly high number of calories, and during the night you use less energy.

2. Wholemeal bread

Wholemeal bread helps you sleep better

Due to the cereals in its composition, wholemeal bread contains vitamins B1 and B6. You can combine it with honey, as it helps tryptophan get to the brain faster, where it turns into serotonin and helps you sleep.

Some of the most popular diets recommend eating wholemeal bread with honey before bed, to speed up the circulation of tryptophan in the body.

When buying wholemeal bread, read the labels carefully to choose the product with the least amount of sugar and the healthiest ingredients.

3. Dark chocolate

There are different varieties of dark chocolate on the market. This food stimulates the production of serotonin, sour relaxes the mind and body.

Thanks to the cocoa butter in its composition, dark chocolate also helps prevent heart disease.

4. Bananas

Bananas help you sleep better

This fruit is more effective than a sleeping pill, being a complete food. In addition to being very nutritious, bananas stimulate the production of melatonin and serotonin, thus improving the quality of sleep.

If you eat a banana before bed, your body will receive a dose of magnesium and potassium, two minerals that relax nerves and muscles.

With the help of this fruit, you will gradually get rid of sleep problems and you will wake up much more rested.

5. Herbal teas

Herbal teas are one of the best choices for a long and restful sleep. Chamomile, rhubarb, passion flower, lime or lemon have relaxing and sedative properties. With the help of these teas, you will be able to sleep better without waking up as often during the night.

We recommend that you drink a hot, unsweetened tea at least 10 minutes before bedtime. If you don’t drink sugar-free tea in general, it will be a little harder at first, but after a few days, you will get used to it.

6. Milk

Milk helps you sleep better

Milk is rich in tryptophan and calcium.  The latter facilitates the absorption of tryptophan in the body. Milk is an essential food for both children and adults, due to its content of vitamins A and D.

We recommend that you drink warm milk, as this way it relaxes and relaxes the body. Carbohydrates and fats in this food increase insulin levels, which stimulates the circulation of tryptophan in the body and helps you sleep.

7. Chicken meat

Chicken meat is rich in tryptophan and is also very easy to digest. That is why it is recommended to eat a sandwich with wholemeal bread and chicken for dinner, along with a portion of almonds. It is an easy to prepare menu that helps digestion.

In addition, it is an excellent option for people who get hungry during the night.

8. Bee honey helps you sleep better

Honey helps you sleep better

Bee honey contains glucose, which decreases the action of orexin, a substance directly related to the waking state.

If you eat a little honey, your body will know when it’s time to go to bed. Above, I mentioned that it is good to drink a herbal tea without sugar. If you still want to sweeten it, you can add a little honey.

9. Cherries

One of the best foods for a better sleep is cherries. Cherry melatonin improves sleep quality. All you have to do is add 8 cherries to the dinner menu.

We are sure that you can use your imagination to incorporate these 9 foods in the last meal of the day to be able to sleep better. The results will be visible shortly.

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