What To Eat Before Training

The benefits of serving a meal before training are numerous and scientifically proven. Adequate caloric intake at the right time will give you the energy your body needs to be in shape during any activity.
What to eat before training

In today’s article, we will explain what you need to eat before training. Did you know that this also depends on the type of physical activity you are going to do?

Many people think that you should not eat before exercising. But this is a myth. You need to eat before any workout you are going to do. Your body needs energy to complete any type of physical activity.

Serving a meal before exercising is especially important, especially if you train in the morning. If you eat before going jogging or training at the gym, you get much better results. However, this does not mean that you can eat pizza. You need to carefully select the foods you will eat before exercising.

In this article, we will share some things you need to know when it comes to choosing the foods to eat before training.

What to eat before training

It depends on the training you are going to have

The type of workout you are going to do is the first thing you need to consider when trying to select the foods you are going to eat. It is also important to consider your personal goals.

For example, if you are trying to lose weight and burn fat through sports, opt for low-calorie foods. This way, you will not supply glucose to your muscles and liver.

On the other hand, if your goal is to perform an intense workout or to increase muscle mass, you must have serious reserves of energy before starting the workout. The best option is foods rich in protein, fat and carbohydrates.

When and how much to eat before training

A man who does sports
Serving a nutrient-rich meal before training is essential to maintain your energy during physical activity.

It is important to eat at least half an hour before you start your workout. It may take a little longer, depending on the foods you eat. Otherwise, your body will be too focused to digest what you have eaten and you will not be able to use ingested food as fuel. (This scenario is the starting point for the myth that you shouldn’t eat before exercising.)

In addition, carefully adjust the amount of food you eat before exercising. Otherwise, you will feel too full during physical activity. For example, you may have heartburn and feel heavy and lacking in energy.

Ideally, consume an average portion of quality food. Always serve this meal before physical activity, so that your body can use it as energy during training.

Protein, fluids and carbohydrates… the winning combination!

In general, before training you should consume easily digestible carbohydrates. They will give you the energy you need. For example, wholemeal bread, unprocessed grains, pasta, rice, and certain fruits and vegetables are great options. Of course, the best option is to consume a mixture of simple and complex carbohydrates.

If you are acting on muscles, it is important to eat foods that contain protein. From this food group, you can opt for ham, eggs, dairy products, etc. It is essential to consume the proteins at least 2-3 hours before training, so that you have time to digest them.

Of course, you should hydrate properly before, during and after any type of workout. Drink at least half a liter of water before exercising. Alternatively, you can also drink fruit juice with pulp or another stimulating drink, such as coffee or green tea. This is especially useful if you do your workout in the morning.

Foods to eat before training

Woman who knows what to eat before training
Fruits, smoothies and cereals are ideal options before an exercise routine, as they contain a large amount of simple and complex carbohydrates.

Fruit shakes are another great option. They are prepared quickly and you can add all kinds of ingredients to them. Ideally, a shake should contain fruit, yogurt and granola or some other type of cereal.

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