How To Choose The Best Skin Protection For Your Skin

In addition to taking into account the type of skin when choosing sunscreen, it is essential to apply the product relatively frequently to avoid burns.
How to choose the best sunscreen for your skin

With the arrival of summer, vacations and outdoor walks, a question arises: what sunscreen to use? We will tell you how to choose the best sunscreen for your skin.

In principle, it is important to remember that skin protection is not intended exclusively for the summer season. We must take care of our skin at all times. However, in summer, sunlight exposure increases, and with it, sunburn, burns and discomfort occur.

The shops are also full of products that ensure that they protect us from the sun. But not all of them perform this function as we would like. Often, failure occurs due to the fact that I did not choose the right product.

It may seem like a decision without consequences, but it is not. Improper skin care when exposed to the sun can cause premature aging, blemishes, burns and cancer.

How does sunscreen help us?

Woman who uses the best sunscreen


The dream of many in the summer is to get a beautiful tan without going through the discomfort of sunstroke, especially since it has serious consequences for the body. We may have a fever, pain and, in the long run, we are at risk of developing cancer.

Every day we are exposed to the sun’s rays. Therefore, when choosing the best sunscreen for your skin, it is ideal to buy a product that works all year round.

Many people are not aware of the significance of the labels on the sunscreens they use. This is stated by a study by the Feinberg School of Medicine at Northwestern University (Illinois, USA). People choose the product with the highest sun protection index. Experts say this is not the only indicator we should pay attention to.

The sun’s rays or ultraviolet rays are divided into two types: UVA and UVB. The first ones are the ones that tan us quickly and are dangerous because they reach the deepest part of the skin. The latter are less strong, but they can burn our tissues.

The sun protection factor (SPF) protects us from UVB rays and therefore from severe burns. However, it does not fully protect against UVA rays and therefore does not help us completely prevent skin diseases and cancer.

How to choose the best sunscreen for your skin?

Experts suggest choosing a sunscreen that, in addition to having a good index, also has a broad spectrum. This way, you can make sure that it protects you from both UVA and UVB rays.

The ideal year-round sunscreen index is SPF 30. Sunscreen should also be resistant to water and perspiration. This provides protection for a longer period of time.

Summer recommendations

The best sunscreen in summer


In addition to choosing the best sunscreen, there are other recommendations you can follow to keep your skin healthy and protected at all times:

  • Apply sunscreen all over your body for at least 30 minutes before going outside. This way, your skin will be able to absorb it better and you will get more protection.
  • Try to expose yourself to the sun for less time. Wear a hat and shirt that covers your arms and, if possible, stay in the shade.
  • Avoid going out at noon, as this is when the sun’s rays fall directly on the skin. Ideally, you should stay in the shade until at least 4 in the afternoon.
  • If you go to the beach or the pool, apply sunscreen again after every bath or every hour.

With the correct use of sunscreen as well as sunglasses, you can enjoy outdoor summer activities without regrets. Also keep in mind that skin care is not just for the warm season. Including sunscreen in your daily life is ideal for being healthy.

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