How To Get Rid Of Bags Under The Eyes With Oils

The skin around the eyes requires special attention, because it is the most sensitive part of the face. If you didn’t know, you can use essential oils to get rid of bags under your eyes.
How to get rid of bags under the eyes with oils

Getting rid of bags under the eyes is a common goal. Even if we have good sleep habits, we can have dark circles and inflammation. In this article, we will learn how to get rid of bags under the eyes with natural essential oils!

The bags under the eyes are a sign of accumulated fatigue and add years to the face. Although some people do not pay attention to them, many want to get rid of them.

How to get rid of bags under the eyes with oils

You may sleep well every night, but you may still have bags under your eyes due to your skin’s sensitivity. There are several natural alternatives to moisturize your entire face, especially the lower eyelid area.

The bags under the eyes are caused by the lack of sebaceous glands in the area. The skin tends to dry out. Therefore, it becomes more sensitive and, when exposed to the sun, bags and spots form due to excessive melanin production.

1. Almond oil

Almond oil to get rid of bags under the eyes


Almonds are extremely nutritious, which is why they are not only used in diets, but also in the development of various skin care products.

According to the Spanish Nutrition Foundation (FEN), almonds contain protein, monounsaturated fatty acids, unsaturated fatty acids, fiber, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, zinc, potassium, vitamin E, riboflavin, thiamine, niacin and folate. All these components are suitable for improving the appearance of the skin and, therefore, for reducing the bags under the eyes.

There are bitter and sweet almonds: the latter are most commonly used in the production of cosmetics and skin treatments.

How to use

  • Wash your face thoroughly so that the oil penetrates quickly into the skin.
  • Put two or three drops on your fingertip and apply lightly on the bags under the eyes.

2. Argan oil

Argan oil is an antifungal oil full of antioxidants. Moisturizes and softens the skin and hair, as it contains vitamin E and omega 3, 6 and 9 fatty acids. Argan oil is perfect to get rid of bags under the eyes.

How to use

  • As with almond oil, apply three drops of argan oil to your skin with your fingertips every night before bed.
  • Remember to wash your face before applying the oil.

3. Fennel seed oil

Fennel oil to get rid of bags under the eyes


It is said that this oil cleanses the blood properly and keeps the skin elastic. Fennel seed oil contains protein and vitamins A, B and C.

How to use

Although fennel seed oil is very good, it is not good to use too much. In large quantities, it can be toxic, so use it with caution.

  • Apply three drops on the circles under the eyes, using your fingertips and very gentle movements until it is completely absorbed.
  • We recommend using fennel seed oil in the evening, up to 3 times a week.

If in doubt, it is best to consult a dermatologist before you start applying it regularly. Remember that the eye contour area is very delicate and you need to use the right remedies.

4. Olive oil

Olive oil contains antioxidants. In addition, it is rich in monounsaturated fatty acids, unsaturated fatty acids and vitamin E. When used topically, it is very moisturizing and regenerating. Contains a lot of oleic acid.

How to use

  • Apply compresses with olive oil on the eye area for a few minutes.
  • Allow the oil to act overnight.
  • In the morning, wash your face normally.

5. Rosehip oil

Rosehip essential oil


Rosehip oil is one of the most widely used oils in beauty and skin care products. It is rich in fatty acids, antioxidants and vitamins.

Helps reduce the impact of oxidative stress, nourishes the skin, rehydrates and brightens the area where it is applied.

How to use

  • Cleanse your face to allow the oil to be absorbed better.
  • Put two or three drops on your fingertips and apply them lightly on the skin under the eyes.

6. Lavender essential oil

Lavender oil is amazing: it is anti-inflammatory, antifungal, antidepressant, antiseptic and antibacterial. It is also a natural sedative and detoxifier and has the power to improve circulation and heal the skin.

How to use

  • First, mix two drops of lavender oil with a little water to make a natural remedy for bags under the eyes.
  • Apply the remedy every night before bed and rinse in the morning.

You need to get rid of bags under your eyes!

Before using any of these oils to get rid of bags under the eyes, you should consult a dermatologist. Once you have received your dermatologist’s approval, continue your skin care routine as instructed.

In addition, remember that you can apply a pack of ice daily, whenever you can, to reduce dark circles under the eyes and to look fresher and more rested.

In addition, use sunscreen daily on your face and neck. Remember that the skin around the eyes is thinner, so it requires more care.

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