Celery Tea Helps You Lose Weight

Celery is satiating, helps eliminate toxins, contains few calories and reduces abdominal inflammation. All these benefits contribute to weight loss. 
Celery tea helps you lose weight

The fact that a drink like celery tea stimulates weight loss should not surprise anyone. We all know that  vegetables are among the best dietary options when it comes to losing weight. 

These foods are important sources of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, as well as other essential substances that improve the functioning of the body, stimulating fat burning and eliminating toxins from the body.

Celery is one of the most recommended vegetables for weight loss. It is low in calories, does not contain fat and has a rich nutritional value, improving several body functions and facilitating weight loss. 

Many people do not yet know the beneficial properties of celery and how it helps to lose weight. That is why today we present the composition of this vegetable, the advantages offered by its consumption, as well as the preparation of celery tea.

Celery tea: nutritional properties

Celery tea has many beneficial properties

Celery is composed of 90-95% water. Therefore, it has very few calories: only 16 per 100 g. 

Its composition makes it very easy to digest, being one of the best options for hydrating the body and nourishing cells.

Celery has anti-inflammatory properties that fight inflammation of the abdomen or other types of inflammation that affect the health of muscles and joints.

Moreover, celery is rich in essential nutrients  such as:

  • Vitamins A, B1, B2, B6 B9 and C.
  • Minerals such as calcium, potassium, magnesium and iron.
  • Essential amino acids.

Due to its nutritional value and high water content, celery can be considered one of the healthiest vegetables, and can be included in the diet of any person.

Today, celery is one of the most widely used vegetables, both for weight loss and for its medicinal uses. Celery tea allows you to benefit from all the nutrients of the vegetable. 

The benefits of celery tea for weight loss

Celery tea is a supplement in diets

There are several reasons why celery is a great choice for people who want to lose extra pounds:

  • First of all, celery has diuretic and detoxifying properties. This is due to the essential oils in its composition: limonine, selinine and asparagine. They are located mainly in the stem and seeds, but are present in smaller quantities and in the leaves.
  • Due to its rich water and fiber content, celery is a very filling food. By consuming celery, you will no longer be tempted to fill your stomach with excess calories.
  • It has antibacterial and antiviral properties that fight various gastrointestinal infections, improving the health of the digestive tract.
  • It helps eliminate toxins, helping the organs to function better.
  • It balances the level of fluids in the body, improving kidney function,  which leads to a reduction in inflammation caused by water retention.
  • Its properties help balance cholesterol and triglycerides, reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease.
  • It stimulates the digestive processes, improving the absorption of nutrients and preventing gas, inflammation and other symptoms that occur in this system.
  • Consumed regularly, celery tea helps regulate metabolic processes in the body which largely depend on the body’s ability to eliminate excess fat.
  • In addition to all these benefits, the consumption of celery provides essential nutrients for skin, hair and eyesight.

How to make celery tea

Celery tea is a moisturizing and nourishing drink

Celery tea is a soft drink that can be consumed both hot and cold, as a supplement in diets. The traditional recipe contains only water and celery, but we also added a little lemon juice to strengthen its detoxifying effects.


  • 3 celery stalks
  • 1 liter of water
  • 1 lemon
  • 1/2 teaspoon ground ginger (optional) (2.5 g)


  • Wash the celery stalks well to make sure they are clean and that you have removed all germs.
  • Bring water to a boil. When it boils, add the diced celery. Let the heat simmer and wait for the whole composition to boil for another five to ten minutes.
  • If you want to add ginger, sprinkle it in the kettle a minute or two before taking the pot off the heat.
  • At the end, take the mixture off the heat and let it sit for 10 minutes. Then add the lemon juice.

How it is consumed

  • Drink a cup before breakfast.
  • Drink the rest of the tea throughout the day, either before each main meal or between meals.
  • It is advisable to add celery tea to your diet for 15 consecutive days, then take a break for 15 days, after which repeat this cycle.

Remember that this tea is not a miracle drink. Its ability to stimulate weight loss depends largely on your lifestyle and all the choices you have made to lose weight.

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