Discover A Delicious Yogurt Sauce Recipe

Yogurt sauce is a very versatile dish that can accompany a wide variety of dishes. We encourage you to try the following recipe at home!
Discover a delicious yogurt sauce recipe

As hard as it may seem to believe, you can prepare most of the sauces available in supermarkets at home. In today’s article, we offer you a yogurt sauce recipe that is both delicious and versatile. You can combine the following dish with various dishes.

The benefits of home-made yogurt sauces

  • You can customize them with your favorite ingredients.
  • You can use fresh ingredients and prepare them just before serving. Thus, you will preserve the beneficial properties of yogurt.
  • They are cheaper than commercial ones, especially if you only prepare the quantity you need.
  • There will be fewer leftovers that can be damaged. This benefit is important because such sauces contain perishable ingredients like yogurt.
  • They can be adapted to the needs of the people who will consume them. Most natural yogurts contain probiotics and are already low in lactose, which is why those with an intolerance to this substance can consume them. In addition, there are many vegan yogurts on the market.

Different types of yogurt sauce

When it comes to making yogurt sauces, the only limit is your imagination. Yogurt is very versatile and goes great with other ingredients such as herbs, spices or even pickles. So, you can use it to get a salty, spicy, sweet or sweet and sour sauce. It all depends on the type of dish you serve.

To get a waterier sauce, use diluted natural yogurt and add a little water. If you prefer thick sauces, opt for whole or Greek yogurt. You can add pickles, olives or anchovies. The result will be a healthy yogurt sauce prepared at home.

Uses of yogurt sauces

Home-made yogurt sauce has many uses in the kitchen. Below, we present some of them.

Boiled eggs with cream sauce

Aperitif for dipping

Yogurt sauce can be used just like mojo, a very thick dipping sauce from the Canary Islands. It goes well with hummus and guacamole if you want to serve vegetable sticks, toast or pita bread.

To prepare a dipping sauce, we advise you to use natural Greek yogurt and spices or fresh herbs to taste.

Sauce for fillings

Do you like kebabs, burritos and vegetable snacks? If your answer to this question is yes, you should try the Greek tzatziki sauce , which is ideal for these dishes.

Dressing sauce for seasoning

This type of sauce can be used to season green leafy vegetables, rice, pasta and salads. It is also an excellent dressing for steamed vegetables.

Try to replace commercial dressings with this home-made sauce. It will be creamier, easier to digest and lower in fat than sauces made with cream or cheese.

Sos dressing

Yogurt sauce can be included in meat or fish recipes. It can intensify the aroma of lamb stews or simple dishes such as grilled chicken breast.

If you need a sauce for dishes like salmon or hake fillet, simply mix yogurt with dill, chives and curry or mustard.

A simple yogurt sauce recipe

As you can see, yogurt sauce can be of several kinds. But there are some basic ingredients that any authentic yogurt sauce should contain.

Jars with aqueous natural yogurt

Ingredients for 4 servings:

  • 250 ml (2 commercial units) yogurt (You need natural yogurt to prepare the base sauce, so make sure it contains probiotics and is sugar-free. Avoid yogurts with 0% fat, as they contain added sweeteners.)
  • 1-2 tablespoons of olive oil (You can use another vegetable oil if the aroma of the olive oil seems too intense. But always opt for cold-pressed vegetable oils.)
  • 550 ml of lemon juice
  • 1 teaspoon sea salt
  • 1/2 teaspoon ground black pepper

Pour all ingredients into a bowl. Start with the yogurt, after which you can add the oil and lemon juice. Then season to taste and mix well with a spoon until you get a fine consistency. Store the sauce in the refrigerator if you do not consume it immediately. Do not store it for more than 24 hours.

Use this sauce to give a special flavor to your dishes and add any other ingredients you want. We are sure you will love it!

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