Types Of Bar Grips In Training

Bar workouts are useful for strengthening muscles. However, the importance of catching is often overlooked. Today, you will find out what are the types of bar grips and what is their effect!
Types of bar grip during training

The grip is nothing more than the way the hand is positioned on the bar and the subsequent training dynamics. The types of bar grips can influence the results obtained due to the number of muscle fibers involved.

In this regard, when planning a training session, you need to consider not only the exercise itself, but also the types of bar grips to achieve a much higher level of performance.

Why does the grip change?

The reason for changing the grip is to change the angle of action, which leads to the training of more muscle fibers. Also, the exercise performed tends to be more complex.

With the modification of the grip, the worked muscle group does not change. In other words, the exercise targets the same muscles, but not the same range of fibers.

Types of bar grip and the effect on training

It is one of the best known and most used fasteners. It consists of stabilizing the joints towards the upper area or towards the palms facing the ground. The grip is suitable for those who are taking their first steps in the world of weight training, because it helps to increase confidence.

This type of grip is used for its ability to tone the forearms. Despite this, adhesion leads to greater wear by performing fewer repetitions with more difficulty. Therefore, when we routinely incorporate this type of grip, the situation must be studied accurately.

Types of bar grip in the gym
The pronation grip places the palms down, with the joints facing up.

The name mixed refers to the combination of several types of grip in the same exercise. Thus, the exercise is performed with each hand with a different grip.

What is the function of the mixed grip? It is a useful resource when there is fatigue and you want to follow the whole series of exercises.

If you use this technique, it is preferable to do it at the end of the series of exercises. It also takes into account the imbalance generated by the distribution of stresses, which can lead to injuries.

With the development of a greater number of muscle fibers, the alternation of grips prevents injuries to the elbows, wrists and shoulders, because the distribution of effort is balanced.

In this regard, do not forget that the muscles that are worked to change the grip are the same. We offer exercises adapted to all types of fastening, taking into account the fibers involved.

  • Inverted ram
  • Ramat inclined
  • Twisted flexions for the biceps
  • Left behind
  • Paddle
  • Side ram

  • Dumbbell lifts
  • Bar flexions
  • Pushed with the bar
  • traction
  • Shoulder press
  • Knee bends
  • Left with the bar

  • traction
  • Alternative flexions for the biceps
  • guide
  • Press on the bench
  • Parallel floats
Girl training with the bar
Bench press is one of the exercises that can be performed to vary the types of grip.

  • Sumo directions
  • Press on the bench
  • Classic corrections
  • traction

When you start training for the first time, you want to work as many muscle groups as possible so that your development is balanced. The types of bar grips take us to the next level of detail in body evolution.

During the creation of each routine, it is recommended to consider the correct execution. For this, we have decubitus, pronation, neutral and mixed grip.

Changing the grip to certain exercises can prevent various injuries that make constant training impossible. In this sense, the position of the hands on the bar is of vital importance for athletes who want to perform.

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