11 Signs Of Intoxicated Liver

The liver is an important organ very sensitive to inflammation, drugs, genetic imperfections, industrial toxins and even certain elements in nature. 
11 signs that your liver is intoxicated

There are various signs that your liver is intoxicated. This organ has the role of metabolizing nutrients, drugs and other toxic substances, so that at some point it can be filled with toxins.

In other words, the liver is a huge filter that separates the toxic elements before they enter the blood and other tissues of the body. However, in some cases, the body does not process these substances properly, affecting the liver.

What is liver toxicity?

Hepatic toxicity is damage to the liver by drugs or other harmful elements. The ability of this organ to filter various substances predisposes it to intoxication.

Liver poisoning is a major condition in both the United States and European countries. In recent years, this problem has become particularly widespread, leading to the removal of certain products from the market.

Toxins that affect the liver include:

  • A wide range of drugs (mainly antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs);
  • Certain natural substances (for example, mushrooms or green tea consumed excessively) and industrial, which cause unusual reactions in the body.

Signs that your liver is intoxicated

Signs that your liver is intoxicated like fatigue

The main signs that your liver is intoxicated are similar to the symptoms of viral hepatitis. Thus, liver toxicity is the same as any other liver disease, which prevents it from functioning properly.

The most common symptoms are:

  • Jaundice
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Changing the color of the chair
  • Darker urine
  • Fatigue
  • Abdominal pain and bloating
  • Fever
  • Lack of appetite
  • Itchy skin
  • bruising

Some people have no symptoms. But the problem is identified when the patient is exposed to certain predictable liver toxins. Otherwise, the symptoms may appear after a few weeks or even months.

What products can fill the liver with toxins?


Signs that your liver is intoxicated by certain medications

The list of medicines with a proven toxicity, made by the Spanish Medicines Agency and the Spanish Government can help you figure out if the herbal medicines you are taking could be harmful.

Nutritional or herbal supplements

Some people are not aware that natural remedies can lead to liver poisoning. As a result, it is not advisable to combine several products.

Some plants that are at risk are:

  • Morinda citrifolia (large citrifolia)
  • Viscusi album (mistletoe)
  • Valeriana officinalis (valerian)
  • Cinnamomum camphora (Camphor Oil, Wick VapoRub)
  • Aloe vera
  • Glycine max (soy isoflavones)


Certain varieties of mushrooms contain toxoids. These are liver toxins that cause damage to cells and liver and kidney tissue.

Anatoxins can cause the following symptoms:

  • stomach ache
  • Vomiting
  • Nausea
  • Bleeding

In the absence of proper medical care, toxic substances in fungi can cause myocardial infarction or even the death of the patient in just two days.

Drugs and chemical agents

Signs that you have intoxicated liver that needs to be treated properly

This category includes substances such as cocaine, ecstasy, pesticides, herbicides, vinyl chloride and contaminated food.

How is liver toxicity diagnosed?

There is no specific test to identify liver toxicity. Above I have shown some signs that you have intoxicated liver, but these can be confused with the symptoms of other diseases. Therefore, it is advisable to perform certain medical tests to rule out viral hepatitis or other possible causes.


Signs that your liver is intoxicated, such as abdominal pain

Acetylcysteine ​​is a substance that helps eliminate toxins from the liver. It is used if we are talking about a poisoning following an overdose of paracetamol. Otherwise, there is no other specific treatment or cure.

It is essential to identify and eliminate the cause of the problem. Other measures that can be taken are to treat the symptoms, such as vomiting, rest and avoidance of substances that exacerbate the symptoms.


In general, all the unpleasant signs that you have intoxicated liver tend to disappear when the toxic substance is eliminated. If your health does not improve in this case, irreversible damage to the liver, such as liver failure or cirrhosis, can occur.

As you can see, liver poisoning can be a very serious problem. Therefore, it is important to recognize the alarm signals sent by your body to prevent complications.

If you notice any signs that your liver is intoxicated, don’t stop thinking. Go to the doctor immediately.

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