6 Foods That Can Lead To Kidney Stones

Kidney stones can be very painful. That is why it is good to avoid foods that can lead to their formation and consume more water to stimulate their elimination.
6 foods that can lead to kidney stones

Kidney stones are solid fragments that, although very small, cannot be removed by themselves from the body. They remain blocked in the urinary tract, causing great pain. Among the factors that can lead to the formation of kidney stones is diet.

In addition, a healthy diet helps you eliminate them more easily if they are already in the body.

Ways to prevent the formation of kidney stones

As we already know, it is better to prevent than to treat. That is why we show you what foods you should eat if you are prone to kidney stones or if you have had this condition in the past.

It is recommended that you avoid the foods below or eat them with caution. Let’s see who they are.

Foods that can contribute to the formation of kidney stones

Coffee can contribute to the formation of kidney stones

1. Caffeine

Coffee is the star of your mornings. However, although it helps you wake up or perform your daily tasks, it can have side effects. Among them is the overload of the kidneys, which increases the risk of developing kidney stones.

Caffeine is not only found in coffee, but also in teas or sour juices. These drinks increase the level of calcium in the urine and, as a result of their stimulant effects, in the long run can cause kidney failure.

2. Red meat

Red meat can lead to kidney stones

Animal proteins and fats are associated with kidney stones and kidney disease. Red meat contains components that are difficult to eliminate from the body. In addition, this food is rich in uric acid and purines. When the level of these substances is too high, you can get gout or kidney stones.

Other foods rich in purines are asparagus, beans and cabbage. Try not to eat large amounts of these foods for short periods of time. In this way, you can prevent the formation of kidney stones after the accumulation of uric acid.

3. Artificial sweeteners

Many times, we add artificial sweeteners to desserts and teas. In addition, they are found in diet drinks, but also in foods with a low calorie content.

Although we think they are healthier than sugar, artificial sweeteners can have serious side effects, such as kidney stones and poor functioning of these organs.

4. Salt

The formation of kidney stones can be caused by salt consumption

One of the most common dietary problems is sodium intake. Even if you don’t add a lot of salt to your food, semi-prepared foods contain a lot of sodium. It is even found in sweets.

High salt intake causes water retention and can lead to kidney stones. The body cannot eliminate all the excess sodium, and it is stored in the renal system. In addition, sodium increases blood pressure and contributes to weight gain.

5. Seafood

Seafood can contribute to the formation of kidney stones

People prone to kidney stones should avoid foods rich in oxalates. These organic compounds contribute to the accumulation of sodium and calcium in the kidneys.

The foods that contain the most oxalic acid are seafood. Green leafy vegetables, chocolate and nuts also contain a fairly large amount.

At the same time, it is advisable to reduce the consumption of peanuts, bran and beets, if you want to prevent kidney stones. Celery and liver, in turn, contain a small amount of oxalates. Remember, you should not exceed the dose of 50 mg per day.

To reduce the absorption of oxalate, you need to eat foods rich in calcium. When you combine foods from both categories, they are eliminated more easily through the intestines.

6. Dairy products

Dairy products are an important part of many people’s diets. These foods are rich in calcium and are necessary for the development and strengthening of bones. However, dairy products are not recommended for people who are prone to kidney stones.

Consumption of milk, yogurt or cheese stimulates the elimination of calcium in the urine, which makes it difficult to evacuate kidney stones and waste.

Given that calcium deficiency is associated with a higher risk of kidney stones, we recommend that you consume this mineral in moderation. In other words, you should not eliminate calcium from your diet, but try to get it from various sources, such as almonds.

What to eat to prevent kidney stones

The formation of kidney stones prevented by sufficient water consumption

Now that we have already given you a list of foods to look out for, let’s see which ones it is recommended to eat.

In addition to a proper diet and the adoption of healthy habits (exercise, quitting smoking and sedentary lifestyle), we recommend that you drink at least 12 glasses of water a day.  Although the recommended amount is usually 8 glasses a day, people with a predisposition to kidney stones should increase their fluid intake.

If you drink 12 glasses of water a day, you produce 8 glasses of urine. Water is low in sodium and helps eliminate waste accumulated in the urinary tract.

If you do not like to drink plain water, you can include it in smoothies, juices and teas. You can also add lemon juice or other fruit to give it an aromatic taste. In this way, it also gives the body extra nutrients.

Coffee, alcohol and sour juices are not included in the recommended liquids.

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