Jin Shin Jyutsu: An Amazing Oriental Therapy

By massaging your fingers every day for 15 minutes, you can get some really amazing benefits. It is essential to focus on the fingers connected by the problems you are facing.
Jin Shin Jyutsu: an amazing oriental therapy

Traditional Japanese therapeutic methods , such as Jin Shin Jyutsu, are becoming increasingly popular around the world. While it is certain that some diseases require medical intervention to be treated, others can be ameliorated with the help of these alternative oriental treatments.

The purpose of alternative oriental treatments is to help us achieve a state of physical and mental balance and to control the interactions between these two dimensions.

The effects of these therapies increase the body’s energy level and control various symptoms of stress, including anxiety and other negative emotions.

Jin Shin Jyutsu therapy (sometimes called the “great ancestor of acupuncture”) is one of these alternative forms of treatment. It was discovered in 1900 by the sage Jiro Murai, and its purpose is to restore the balance between body and soul through the hands.

Jin Shin Jyutsu is based on the idea that everything that exists contains a vital energy that represents its life force. This energy circulates in the human body on different levels and, when it reaches a state of harmony, flows freely and unobstructed.

What is Jin Shin Jyutsu therapy?

Jin Shin Jyutsu therapy is very popular in the Orient

Jin Shin Jyutsu’s philosophy states that the human body has three main energy channels:

  • The central canal, a large oval whose starting point is the face. The energy begins to flow from this point down to the chest, abdomen, hips and eventually rises along the spine back to the head.
  • The other two channels are called surveillance channels, and their starting point is inside the knees.
  • The left surveillance channel has the role of controlling the functions performed in this half of the body, constituting a link with our past, logic and genetic heritage.
  • The right surveillance channel controls the functions performed in the right half of the body and is related to the present, intuition and rebirth.
  • Last but not least, there are certain diagonal flows that harmonize the surveillance channels and organize the body’s energy system.

The main goal of Jin Shin Jyutsu therapy is to balance our physical and emotional states, so that we can achieve inner peace and be in harmony with the universe.

How does Jin Shin Jyutsu therapy work?

Jin Shin Jyutsu is based on hand massage

Jin Shin Jyutsu therapy is based on channeling all the energy distributed in the human body. According to her, there is a close connection between different parts of the human hand, body organs and emotional state.

Specifically, Jin Shin Jyutsu therapy can help us improve both our physical and emotional health.

How is this therapy performed?

As mentioned earlier, each portion of the hand is connected to a specific organ. To perform Jin Shin Jyutsu therapy, you must wrap the affected area with one finger.

Cross your arms. The palms should be under the arms, with the thumbs pointing forward. Inhale deeply and allow air to flow from the base of the skull to the body until it reaches the thumbs.

Repeat the same action, but this time try to feel the air circulating through your spine. After performing this exercise, massage each finger for three minutes.

Massage the right hand in the morning and the left hand in the evening. But before you massage your fingers, consider the problems you want to treat and establish a massage order.

Jin Shin Jyutsu therapy involves massaging your fingers


The thumb is connected to your arms and stomach. When these organs are affected by pain, you may experience emotions such as depression and anxiety. Other possible symptoms are agitation, abdominal pain and headache.


This finger represents the kidneys and bladder, as well as emotions such as fear and confusion. You will know that you need to pay attention to this finger when you face digestive disorders, back pain and toothache.

The middle finger

The middle finger is associated with the liver and the feeling of anger. This finger requires special attention when you experience migraines, vision problems and fatigue.


The colon and lungs are organs connected with this finger. Depression and pessimism are also linked to the ring. Pay special attention to this finger if you experience indigestion, asthma and difficulty breathing.

Little finger

The little finger influences the health of the heart and small intestine. This finger is also linked to hypocrisy.

By applying Jin Shin Jyutsu therapy, you will strengthen your ability to concentrate and reorganize your energy levels in your body to alleviate various health problems. Dedicate 15 minutes a day to this therapy, and the desired results will not be long in coming.

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