I Learned To Be Strong When I Realized I Had To Get Up On My Own

Being strong often involves prioritizing and accepting the responsibility to stand up for yourself.
I learned to be strong when I realized I had to get up on my own

I learned to be strong. We must realize that we ourselves are responsible for change. Despite the support and encouragement of others, the decisions are ours and no one will be able to take the necessary steps in our place.

When we fall, motivation, self-esteem and enthusiasm will help us overcome difficulties. Sometimes this personal balance is disturbed by various external factors, such as periods of continuous stress, daily disappointments or the consequences of toxic relationships.

Therefore, we invite you to reflect on this issue. Below, we present some aspects that help you in such circumstances.

I learned to be strong when I realized I had to get up on my own

Tired person at the office


An expression of the famous physicist and scientist Stephen Hawking is: “crying is useless and a waste of time”. We have the right to do this, there is no doubt. But when someone is in a difficult and complex situation, there is no other option: only we will be able to get out of the abyss.

Recognition is difficult, but necessary. The support of family, friends or social institutions is essential. However, the step towards better is an act that is born in the depths of one’s heart.

No one chooses to be weak. The different events that “hit” us are the ones that put us to the test. In times of adversity, changing thoughts is needed to manage emotions more effectively.

We will explain what this strategy consists of and we will propose others that are useful.

Strengthening confidence: being strong depends largely on you

Those who love you can shake your hand to help you get up. But if your legs do not support you and you prefer to stay in bed, the help of others will not be of any use. If you choose to take advantage of that encouragement you receive, you will see that being strong depends largely on you, that the last word is still yours. This is evident in examples such as the following:

  • He has a positive internal dialogue every day. As you strive to eat better or exercise, avoid texts such as “it’s not possible,” “I can’t today,” “I can’t,” “this isn’t for me.”
  • By changing your thoughts, it will be easier for you to get rid of worries. This is suggested by studies such as that conducted by psychologist Colette R. Hirsch and colleagues.

Life goes on

Another idea that is often sold by self-help books is to learn to “give up” both objects and people. This is often a complicated challenge, given that:

  • We attach ourselves to those we love because that’s how we conceive of happiness. Giving and receiving is the ultimate joy. Therefore, it is almost inevitable not to cling to your family, children or partner.
  • We must understand that nothing in life is certain. What we have today can be lost tomorrow. Learning to give up is healthy.
  • Accepting pain, separation, and loss will allow us to make fundamental adjustments. “I guess you don’t love me anymore, it hurts. But I understand that I can continue to move forward on my own, being strong and loving myself. ”


Relaxed woman on the couch

The best care is not what others give you, but what you give yourself. What this means? Let’s think for a few seconds:

  • If we tell ourselves that life will not offer us anything good, that the train has already passed and that love or happiness will no longer appear, we sabotage ourselves. There is no enemy worse than your own thoughts.
  • If we begin to prioritize ourselves and take responsibility for the role we play in our well-being, we will begin to perceive other stimuli.
  • Let’s try to remember when we last met . To be strong, it is necessary to recognize that we deserve to be happy, to rejoice, and to offer positive emotions:
    • We must enjoy “here and now”, appreciating any of the details that surround us: the light, the noise of people laughing, a friendly face in the reflection of a glass…
    • We need to make a simple gift: a lunch, an afternoon at the beach, a new coat, another haircut, going out with friends, etc.

I learned to be strong

These are some essential ideas to deal with those unfortunate circumstances that put us to the test so often. Without ceasing to rely on others, strategies such as managing our own thoughts, learning to “give up” and, above all, self-love are essential to lift us up.

Once we understand that the decision is ours, we take the most important step.

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