9 Foods That Can Be Frozen

Unfortunately, it is estimated that about 30-40% of food intended for human consumption ends up in the garbage. Avoid wasting food and find out which ones can be frozen.
9 foods that can be frozen

There are many foods that can be frozen, even if the texture of some of them may change a little, this is a practical way to prevent waste, a serious problem around the world. Unfortunately, it is estimated that about 30-40% of food intended for human consumption ends up in the garbage.

Many of those foods that can be frozen are lost in the places where they are grown or while they are processed and transported. But most of them depreciate in our refrigerators and pantries, and this situation could be prevented.

The problem is that many people are interested in this problem, but forget one very important thing: you can keep perishable food longer, using methods such as freezing. This way you no longer have to throw away food and save money.

Read the tips below and put them into practice!

1. Bananas are the first on the list of foods that can be frozen

Bananas can be frozen so as not to depreciate

You can freeze very ripe bananas (those that have turned brown) without peeling. Later, you can use them in all kinds of recipes.

If left at room temperature, bananas spoil much more easily, which is why it is advisable to put them in the freezer. When you need them, you can defrost them to add to cakes, muffins or banana cake.

2. Lawyer

Many people know that when you open an avocado, it darkens and softens. Even in this condition, you can use it for facial masks or other cosmetic treatments.

But you can also keep an avocado in the freezer for later use for culinary purposes. Put the fruit in an airtight container and squeeze a little lemon juice over it. That way, it will last another week.

3. Coffee

Coffee is one of the foods that can be frozen

Do you have any morning coffee left? Maybe you didn’t think it was one of those foods that could be frozen. Instead of throwing it in the sink, pour it into an ice cube tray and add the iced coffee cubes to cocktails and other recipes. 

In addition, you can use them in this form as a treatment for wrinkles, cellulite and other skin problems.

4. Fresh aromatic herbs

Coriander, parsley and other fresh herbs turn black when they begin to decompose. If you want to keep them longer, you can grind them and put them in the freezer.

Put the chopped herbs in the ice cube tray, cover them with olive oil and keep them in the freezer as long as you need.

In this way, you will always have at hand greens to add to soups, stews and other recipes to which you want to give a special flavor.

5. Lettuce

Lettuce is one of the fresh foods that can be frozen

It is best to eat fresh salad to benefit from all its nutrients. However, if you want to use it later, when it would normally have depreciated, you can freeze it.

Make a puree from the lettuce leaves and a little water and pour the mixture into the ice cube tray.

You can add diced salad in smoothies and soups for extra flavor and richer nutritional value.

6. Grapes

Grapes are very delicate fruits, and when ripe well they can spoil very quickly. Fortunately, they are among those foods that can be frozen and later added to juices, sweets and even cocktails.

7. Tomatoes

Tomatoes can be frozen before spoiling

You may have heard it said that tomatoes should not be kept in the refrigerator because they lose their nutritional value. However, if they are too ripe and are going to spoil, they can be frozen and used later to make tomato juice or stews.

8. Cheese

Although it is not recommended to freeze foods high in fat, cream and water, you can use this method of preservation for many cheeses. It is important to choose the right assortment. For example, ricotta and cottage cheese are not the best options.

Instead, matured cheeses tolerate temperature changes better. They can be kept in the freezer for a long time. Ideally, you should freeze larger pieces to preserve their texture and taste.

9. Butter and margarine

Butter and margarine can be frozen

Both butter and margarine are foods that can be frozen, but it is necessary to take into account certain indications. As we already know, some foods can easily contract certain pathogens, which is why they must be kept in tightly closed containers without coming into contact with other foods.

As you can see, freezing is a great way to extend the shelf life of many perishable foods. Use this method whenever you think it is necessary, but it would be best to try to buy smaller amounts of food in order to be able to eat them fresh.

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