8 Tricks To Sleep Better When It’s Hot Outside

In order to get enough rest even when it is very hot outside, it is essential to stay well hydrated and avoid heavy foods.
8 tricks to sleep better when it's hot outside

We love hot summer days because they allow us to go to the beach and the pool or simply lie in the sun to sunbathe. Just how can you rest during the heat? Discover some tricks to sleep better when it’s hot outside.

Problems come when we go to bed: it seems impossible to fall asleep! But don’t worry. You have some tricks to sleep better when it’s hot outside very interesting. In today’s article we present 8 such solutions.

Summer and sleep – an unfortunate combination?

Water included in tricks to sleep better when it's hot outside

When it comes to warm weather, one of the most common dilemmas is: How can I sleep? Getting enough rest when the temperature exceeds 26 ° C seems like an impossible task.

If it is very hot outside, our biological rhythm is affected, which changes our normal sleep structure.

Increasing water intake, one of the simplest tricks to sleep better when it’s hot outside

We all know that we have to drink 2 liters of water a day. Maybe you are trying to satisfy this need as well.

During the heat, it is important to increase your fluid intake, because during this period you will sweat more. The risk of dehydration is much higher, even if you do not exercise.

If you are well hydrated and not thirsty, you will definitely sleep better. We advise you to keep a bottle or a glass of water on the nightstand, in case you get thirsty overnight.

Maintain a pleasant temperature in the bedroom

You don’t need to turn your bedroom into a freezer, but make sure the temperature in this room is below 26 ° C (79 ° F).

If you do not have air conditioning, you will need to become a little creative to cool your bedroom. For example, you can turn on the fan and place a container of ice cubes in front of it.

At the same time, we advise you not to raise the blinds and not to open the windows during the day. The ideal time to ventilate your bedroom is in the early hours of the morning.

Serve a light dinner

Salad included in tricks to sleep better when it's hot outside

Most of us eat less in the summer and opt for lighter menus. During this period we prefer salads and vegetables and avoid soups and cooked food.

But one of the most effective tricks to sleep better when it’s hot outside is to eat less.

Before bed, opt for fruit, yogurt, ice cream, juices and smoothies. If you are the type of person who is not used to drinking a lot of water, all these foods will help you stay hydrated.

Avoid overeating very spicy or seasoned foods. It is also not a good idea to drink coffee or caffeinated soft drinks at the last meal of the day.

Last but not least, be careful how much alcohol you consume!

Don’t move in the afternoon

Physical activity is essential throughout the year, but in summer we must be careful when choosing to exercise. Morning is the ideal time for jogging, cycling or any exercise routine.

Don’t have free time in the morning? It’s not a problem, as long as you don’t postpone your routine to the end of the day. Move at least 3-4 hours before bedtime.

Although we are often told that exercise helps us sleep better, physical activity stimulates the body. Thus, although we feel physically tired, we cannot fall asleep. If you want to take a walk after dinner, you will have to wait a while before you go to bed.

Dress appropriately

Woman adopting tricks to sleep better when it's hot outside

It is not a good idea to sleep completely naked, as your body temperature tends to drop in the morning. Basically, sleeping like this, you risk waking up with chills or muscle aches. As much as possible, opt for a thin cotton pajamas.

Pay special attention to the bedding and pillow you choose. Often these objects generate heat and make us sweat excessively. Cotton is the best option, not satin or silk.

Many people wet their bedding before bed, but this habit is not beneficial. Remember, that moisture that dries on your body can make you sick.

It is best to sleep alone. If you have to share the bed with your partner, sleep on the edge of the bed. Another option is to sleep on a mattress placed directly on the floor (the floors are always cooler).

Take warm showers

Some of us try to sleep in a bathtub full of cold water. Obviously, there are many reasons why it is not good to do this. For example, we could get sick or get injured.

But taking a warm shower before bed is one of the best tricks to sleep better when it’s hot outside. Use lukewarm, not cold, water so that your body does not feel an extreme temperature difference.

Man trying tricks to sleep better when it's hot outside

Turn off all lights and electronic devices

In addition to lowering the temperature in the room, this trick will help you relax and sleep better. You can implement it at any time of the year.

Electronic devices should be put into “standby” or “sleep” mode, as they continue to emit heat when switched on. We also advise you to replace incandescent bulbs with fluorescent ones or those that consume less electricity. You will save money and at the same time avoid excessive heat.

Apply warm compresses

Before bed, apply a cloth dampened with lukewarm water to heat-sensitive areas — the nape of the neck, face, and armpits. You will cool down immediately. This triggers a process called vasoconstriction, which has been associated with a decrease in body temperature.

To get enough rest during the heat, you can try to take a nap in the afternoon. It also serves a cold infusion of chamomile, passion flower or lavender to relieve anxiety and stress caused by heat.

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