8 Tips To Drive Away Sadness

In the days when sadness tries to bring you down, it does not withdraw you into a dark corner of the house, nor does it hide you under the duvet. Instead, take your heart in your teeth and go outside.
8 tips to get rid of sadness

Sadness is a negative emotional state that is very difficult to control and overcome, which can overwhelm us just when we least expect it. Here’s what to do to get rid of sadness.

When you feel sad, the whole world seems to suddenly turn dark, and your only alternative is to plunge into darkness. Nobody understands you and everything seems to turn upside down.

But what can you do to feel good again? First of all, you must not let sadness bring you down. This emotion is the kind of enemy that needs to be dealt with head on.

Of course, it is often much easier for us to be brave in theory than in practice, which is why in the following we want to offer you a helping hand.

Don’t let yourself be defeated and use the following eight tricks to get rid of the sadness in your life!

Tips to get rid of sadness

1. Go for a walk

Take nature walks to ward off sadness

When you are sad, the last thing you should do is stay home and lock yourself in your room. Loneliness will not help you overcome this state. On the contrary, don’t hesitate to take your old sneakers out of the closet, get dressed in a comfortable pair of sweatpants, take your keys and  go for a walk!

Gather all the strength you still have and strive to go fast. A little sweat doesn’t hurt, and the movement will do you good. Your brain will produce endorphins (the hormone of happiness) and, step by step, the problems that worry you will start to seem smaller and smaller. Do not hesitate to try this trick!

2. Sit in the sun and close your eyes

Stay in the sun to ward off sadness

In the days when sadness tries to bring you down, it does not withdraw you into a dark corner of the house, nor does it hide you under the duvet. Instead, take your heart in your teeth and go outside.

A moment of peace is exactly what you need and fifteen minutes of sun exposure will help you get extra vitamin D – a  compound that will give you a pleasant feeling of calm.

Often, people with depression tend to avoid sunlight, but this behavior will not help them feel better. Get out of the house and enjoy the warmth!

3. Forget about obligations for two hours

Practice yoga to ward off sadness

We know it’s not easy. After all, we all have things to do, service, responsibilities, obligations… But sadness is able to build a kind of wall around us, which suffocates us and prevents us from achieving our goals. Basically, we lose all our motivation and energy.

But what is the solution? Simple, take a break from what you are doing and set aside two hours to relax. Enjoy this time to the fullest and try to forget about difficulties and anxiety. Allow yourself to be yourself again!

4. Start writing

To dispel sadness, write your thoughts in a journal

Do you keep a diary? If not, why not start today? Journals are a wonderful therapeutic method, with the help of which you can organize your ideas, you can express yourself, you can have a dialogue with yourself and you can enjoy the intimate sensation that writing gives you.

You don’t have to be Gabriel García Márquez or Daphne du Murier to keep a diary: simply express yourself in your own words, argue with yourself, insult anyone you want… Basically, use the power of words to download yourself. 

5. Cry if you feel the need

To drive away sadness by crying

Sometimes you will feel the need to cry and there is nothing wrong with that. When sadness suffocates us, we need a mechanism to release the accumulated tension

In this sense, crying is a very useful natural means to calm us down.

6. Look in the mirror and ask yourself what the problem is

To drive away sadness through introspection

Let’s do a recognition exercise: are you the person you see when you look in the mirror? No, no sign of that cheerful man or that attractive woman you know so well. Sadness is the kind of emotional state that robs you of all vitality and we are sure that you do not like to see yourself looking like that at all.

Ask yourself what you can do to feel good again, to drive away sadness and regain hope. Ask the man or woman in the mirror what you can do to bring a smile back to his face.

7. Find someone who knows how to listen to you

You may need support to ward off sadness

Not every person is able to truly listen to another person. We all probably have a friend or relative who, instead of supporting us when we need him, somehow manages to turn the situation around so that he or she can be the center of attention.

To drive away sadness, you will need to seek the presence of people who can look you in the eye and  listen to you  with interest and sincerity.

Thus, you will be able to share your feelings, and the feeling of evil that torments you will dissipate. Do not hesitate to ask for the support of those who love you.

8. Have fun

 Get rid of sadness by participating in fun activities

Why wouldn’t you do that? Nothing is more appropriate to drive away sadness than a little fun. If you spend all your time thinking about your problems, they will simply get bigger and bigger and overwhelm you faster.

Try to relax. Go to the movies, sign up for a yoga class, go for a walk in the park or visit a museum. Often, a little pleasure – such as listening to your favorite song after a really tiring day, for example – can work wonders.

Yes, the problems will not be solved, but you will feel calmer and your mind will be clearer, so you will start to look at the situation from a new perspective.

We advise you to follow the advice I presented in this article whenever sadness strikes you!

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