8 Plants That Keep Your Lungs Healthy

To prevent respiratory problems and improve your lung health, use these detoxifying plants with confidence.  
8 plants that keep your lungs healthy

Healthy lungs play a very important role in your life. As you already know, these organs provide the cells in the body with the oxygen they need and eliminate carbon dioxide.

In addition, healthy lungs not only help you breathe, but also filter out harmful particles and contaminants from inhaled air.

The problem is that the lungs are complex and fragile organs, and sometimes the accumulation of toxins and infections affect their health. As a result, a series of negative reactions are triggered that cause various diseases and diminish your quality of life. Fortunately, there are many natural remedies that help detoxify them.

Today, we present 8 nutritious plants that protect and improve lung health. Try them with confidence!

1. Thyme keeps your lungs healthy

Thyme keeps your lungs healthy

Thyme is a plant recommended for relieving irritation and congestion in the airways.

In addition, thyme essential oil has antibiotic, antifungal and anti-inflammatory effects. Thus, it strengthens the immune system and helps cleanse the lungs.

You can drink thyme tea or inhale its steam to eliminate toxins accumulated in the respiratory system.

2. Licorice root

Licorice root is a traditional Chinese plant that has become known worldwide for its medicinal properties. Its anti-inflammatory and analgesic compounds relieve inflammation of the airways and throat. This makes it easier for oxygen to enter the cells.

At the same time, licorice root helps to soften the mucous membranes of the body, including those that cover the lungs and throat. In addition, this plant has expectorant and antibacterial effects, helping to eliminate excess phlegm. Therefore, licorice root relieves congestion and breathing difficulties.

All the beneficial properties of licorice root, along with the essential nutrients in its composition, support the fight of the immune system against viruses and bacteria.

As if that weren’t enough, licorice also contains a considerable dose of flavonoids, antioxidants that prevent cell damage and prevent lung cancer.

3. The shroud

Sovârful keeps your lungs healthy

The apricot is notable for its high content of rosemary acid and carvacrol, two antioxidants that help stop the production of histamine in respiratory allergies.

The apron has anti-inflammatory and expectorant effects that help clean the airways. In this way, it is facilitated the elimination of phlegm and toxins accumulated in the lungs.

Essential oil from sunflower leaves is an effective remedy against bacterial infections such as colds and flu.

4. Plantain

Plantain is an ancient and powerful remedy that relieves irritation of the mucous membranes of the lungs and throat. This plant helps treat coughs and contains antibiotics and anti-inflammatory substances.

5. Salvia

Salvia keeps your lungs healthy

Sage tea is a natural remedy for lung irritation, especially in smokers.

The antibacterial and detoxifying compounds of this plant help to eliminate toxins accumulated in the lung tissues. Therefore, sage relieves congestion and breathing difficulties.

6. Eucalyptus

The refreshing aroma of eucalyptus has been used for hundreds of years to improve lung health. Although some people do not tolerate this plant, others find in it the ideal remedy against congestion, cough and nasal irritations.

The active agent in eucalyptus, cineole, gives it expectorant and anti-inflammatory properties that help treat bronchitis, asthma and the common cold.

7. Mint

Mint cleanses the respiratory tract and keeps the lungs healthy

Mint and peppermint essential oil contain menthol, a popular ingredient used in various treatments for lung diseases.

Mint relaxes the delicate muscles of the respiratory tract and improves breathing, especially if you suffer from congestion. In addition, this plant is antihistamine and detoxifying, which is why it helps to treat the respiratory symptoms of allergies.

8. The candle

Candle leaves and flowers have active substances that help strengthen and clean the lungs. 

The natural candle extract helps eliminate toxins. In addition, this remedy reduces excessive mucus production and inflammation.

Do you have respiratory problems? If so, use the above herbs to keep your lungs healthy for as long as possible!

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