8 Medical Causes Of Low Back Pain

Do you have pain in your lower back? If you are in good health and in a correct posture and you suspect that this symptom could have other causes, go to the doctor to establish the appropriate diagnosis. 
8 medical causes of low back pain

Low back pain is one of the health problems that underlies the largest number of medical consultations per year. In addition to incorrect posture, there are medical causes of low back pain, such as irritation or damage to certain structures in the lower spine.

Low back pain is a feeling of stiffness and tension in the lower back, which may be accompanied by small spasms or tingling.

People suffering from low back pain have difficulty performing certain activities that require physical effort. Often, the problem worsens, limiting their mobility.

Although low back pain is mild and sporadic, it is important to find out what factors caused it to find the right treatment and prevent complications.

Here are 8 medical causes of low back pain that should not be ignored. Here they are!

1. Lumbar osteoarthritis

Osteoarthritis on the list of medical causes of low back pain

Lumbar osteoarthritis affects the discs of the vertebrae that stabilize the spine. This degenerative disease causes inflammation, causing pain, stiffness and difficulty in performing certain movements.

In general, osteoarthritis develops due to damage to the joints due to aging. However, in some situations, the condition can also be caused by trauma or overload.

2. Muscle injuries

Low back pain can also be caused by a muscle strain or a ligament. The spine is destabilized and the patient finds it difficult to adopt certain positions.

In general, muscle injuries are caused by high-impact physical activities or sudden or repetitive movements performed in a sport. Other causes are obesity or certain medical conditions.

3. Muscle cramps can be a medical cause of low back pain

Muscle cramps can be a medical cause of low back pain

In most cases, when it comes to medical causes of low back pain, muscle problems occupy a leading position. A cramp can cause stiffness, inflammation and pain. The injury may be caused by certain movements or an incorrect posture.

4. Problems with the lumbar disc

Discopathies, such as a herniated disc or osteophytes, can be medical causes of low back pain. These degenerative diseases cause irritation, pain and difficulty practicing high-impact sports.

In general, the symptoms worsen in the morning, after waking up or if you spend a lot of time sitting in a chair. The pain can spread to the legs, especially if there is nerve compression.

5. Muscle weakness

Medical causes of low back pain in women

Muscle weakness can be caused by physical training, poor nutrition and other unhealthy habits. The spine and joints lose their ability to stabilize and support. Thus, the area is overworked and the pain can radiate from the back to the legs and arms.

6. Diseases of the female reproductive system

Certain diseases of the female reproductive system may be associated with back pain. The symptom occurs, for example, between uterine contractions and during menstrual cramps. At the same time, low back pain can be caused by endometriosis or bladder infections. 

If the pain is frequent and extends from the pelvic area to the lumbar area, it is advisable to go to the doctor.

7. Gastric and intestinal problems

Digestive disorders are possible medical causes of low back pain

Most people associate back pain with spine problems, but this symptom can also be an indication of digestive disorders. These include peptic ulcer, rectal pain and constipation.

8. Kidney disease

It is important to include kidney disease among the possible causes of low back pain. Generally, this symptom occurs when the problem worsens.

The pain is felt mainly on the lateral areas and in the center of the lumbar region. This usually occurs when you have kidney stones and urinary tract infections. Other symptoms include a change in the color and smell of urine, moderate fever and a burning sensation when urinating.

Do you have pain in your lower back? If you are in good health and in a correct posture and you suspect that this symptom could have other causes, go to the doctor to establish the appropriate diagnosis. Even if the problem is sometimes harmless, it is good to make sure that you do not suffer from a more serious condition.

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