7 Tricks To Drink Water More Often

If you find it dull to drink water, you can change its taste with slices of fruit or herbs. Thus, the consumption of this drink will become a much more pleasant activity. Then you will be able to gradually replace aromatic water with plain water.
7 tricks to drink water more often

How many times have you sworn that you will drink more water during the day, but you have not been able to change your routine? Water consumption is one of the best remedies for many health problems and, in addition, prevents various diseases. In today’s article we offer you 7 tricks to drink water more frequently, without putting excessive effort.

Increasing water intake improves health

If you are determined to drink more water, keep in mind that this measure will affect your health in a positive way. Increasing water intake:

  • Improves kidney function
  • It relieves pain and inflammation, especially in the knees and neck
  • Gives skin and hair a healthier look
  • Fights constipation
  • Reduces water retention and bloating

Here are some tricks to drink water more often that are very affordable:

1. Always try to have a bottle of water on hand

Woman trying tricks to drink water more often

The first tip to increase your water intake is to have a full bottle at hand wherever you go. This container should have a capacity of one liter. Fill it twice a day.

Your water bottle should always be with you so that you can drink this liquid easily and constantly, without wasting time. Join the people who always have a bottle of water in their bag!

2. Add lemon and ice, among the best tricks to drink water more often

If you find it difficult to drink water because you are used to juices, coffee and soft drinks, you should undergo a “detoxification” process to help your body adapt.

A first step is to serve ice water and lemon. You can also add a few drops of Stevia rebaudiana to sweeten the drink, without increasing your calorie intake. Gradually, you can increase the volume of water included in the lemonade.

3. Experiment with different flavors

Tricks to drink water more often with fruit

Another way to make water more attractive is to change its flavor. For this purpose, include fruits, flowers or herbs in this liquid a few hours before drinking it.

In addition to the fact that it will be more colorful and appetizing, the drink consumed will have an incredible aroma, which will encourage you to increase your water intake. The attractive appearance of the water you drink could also convince those around you to hydrate better.

4. Set your alarms or write notes

If you applied the tricks presented above, but failed to reach your goal (for example, you remember to drink water at night, when you no longer have time to meet your daily needs), try the following practical trick: set alarms and write notes.

This measure will help you drink a little water every few minutes, instead of drinking a large amount at once.

Stick the tickets on the desk you work at, in the fridge or in the bedroom and ring the alarm on your mobile phone. Thus, you will gradually include water consumption in your daily routine. After using alarms and notes for a while, you won’t need them.

5. Enough movement, on the list of tricks to drink water more often

Tricks to drink water more often and train

Another trick to drink water more often is to make your body sweat more, which causes a feeling of thirst. The ideal way to apply this trick is to train hard twice a week.

A single session will increase your water intake by half a liter or even a liter. You will not have to force yourself, because your body will long for water anyway.

6. Drink water at appropriate times

To take full advantage of the aforementioned medicinal benefits, drink water on an empty stomach.

  • The best time to drink water is in the morning, as soon as you wake up, before serving breakfast.
  • At the beginning of the day, consume 2-3 glasses of water little by little.
  • Continue to drink water during the morning or afternoon to meet your daily needs.

If you have trouble sleeping, avoid drinking water before bed.

7. When thirst disguises itself in hunger

Quench thirst with tricks to drink water more often

Did you know that sometimes we eat even when we are not hungry, because we confuse thirst with this sensation? Try the following experiment:

If you get hungry between meals, drink plenty of water and wait a few minutes. In this way, in addition to the fact that you will increase your water intake, you will avoid excessive snacks and you will control your body weight.

Drinking water half an hour before a meal will help you eat less.

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