7 Tips To Improve Your Mental Health

Mental health care is absolutely essential to achieve your goals and keep you fit in the long run. 
7 tips to improve your mental health

Mental health is just as important as physical health. When the mind no longer functions properly, the body also suffers. Migraines, back pain, insomnia and stomach problems can indicate a mental disorder.

Don’t be afraid to admit that you need to improve your mental health. That doesn’t mean you’re “crazy.” Mental health covers a much wider spectrum than we imagine.

If you feel very stressed and have problems concentrating or sleep disorders, read on to find out how to get rid of these discomforts and how to take better care of yourself.

1. Keep your body weight under control

If you are overweight or obese, it means that you have more body fat than you should. Leaving aside the physical aspect, the excess fat also affects your brain, more precisely the cognitive development and the ability to manage your thoughts and emotions.

It is important not to lose weight, but to get rid of excess fat. To do this, you need to adopt a balanced diet and exercise.

2. Read… anything, especially surreal literature

Woman reading to improve her mental health

Reading is a basic tool to take care of yourself and improve your mental health. Reading helps you focus, retain various information and correlate concrete facts with abstract ideas. 

Moreover, the books present you situations in which you have not found yourself until now, preparing you to face them in case you will face them in the future.

As for the surreal texts, they make unusual associations that stimulate the creation of new brain patterns. Read the wonderful short story A Country Doctor,  written by Franz Kafka, and tell us how your mental state influenced you!

3. Do several things at once

Man working on computer

Doing several things at the same time is an ideal exercise for the mind, which improves the ability to process information and strengthens the ability to concentrate.

Even if you do several things at once, you have to be completely careful about each of them in order to be truly effective.

4. Turn off the TV!

Generally, people spend at least half an hour in front of the TV before bed. As a result, they face a phenomenon called “debt” or sleep deficit. It consists of an accentuated fatigue due to the fact that I do not get enough sleep.

The TV is the basis of this fatigue, because it gives you a feeling of well-being that makes you postpone bedtime. Without realizing it, you look at your brain for the rest it needs.

Turn off the TV and read or relax before bed. It is a habit that will definitely improve your mental health.

5. Meditation

Woman meditating in the bedroom

Meditation clears the mind and banishes worries. On the other hand, stress and negative emotions create connections in the nervous system that prevent you from thinking clearly and can even cause a mental block.

Learn to meditate to relax and free yourself from negative emotions.

6. Group activities and mental health

Even if you like to be alone more, don’t forget that people are social beings. We need to share our experiences and goals with those around us.

If you participate in group activities, you strengthen your self-esteem and strengthen your own identity. Being aware of who you are and what you want helps you set goals and find your place in the world.

Therefore, a little teamwork is required!

7. Scribble

Arts education does not have a good reputation. Many people easily give up art on the grounds that they do not know how to draw. However, you don’t have to be Frida Kahlo or Leonardo da Vinci to enjoy the benefits of this activity.

Taking a notebook and scribbling something on it is enough to relax, stimulate your ability to concentrate and improve your memory.

You can also try a coloring book. They are becoming more and more popular among adults!

Coloring improves your mental health

As you can see, it is not that difficult to improve your mental health. You just have to make some time for yourself.

We recommend that you take this aspect seriously. It doesn’t matter how much you want something or how much effort you put into getting it. If you do not feel well, it is impossible to reach your goal. 

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